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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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warrant, warrant of resurvey or other order of councill, as
the case shall require.

    13. Any person or persons takeing up upon conditions of
plantation performed or upon speciall or conditionall
warrant from us or our councill duly obtained, any tract or
quantity of land falling within a former survey or reserve for
us made, may upon supplication have warrant granted him
or them to make good the like quantity upon other waste
land in any part of the province.

    14. Conditions of plantation performed, and by the
carelessness, negligence or ignorance of the clerk of the office
omitted to be duly entred upon record, may (upon due proof
made, and other undeniable testimony to you appeareing) be
ratifyed, confirmed, approved, and made good by your order
to the benefitt of the party concerned.

    15. Noe advantage shall be taken by lapse of time in
sueing forth pattents for land upon conditions of plantation in
all respects otherwise performed, where it shall appeare that
the same has happened by default of the clerke of the office,
negligence of the surveyor or ignorance of the party
concerned, and in reasonable time taken notice of, and sought to be
redressed. And in case the same shall happen (through the
defects aforesaid) to be omitted dureing the life of the party
aforesaid, you may then upon suite made, cause the speedy
entry thereof and grant pattent for the same to the next heire
or relation of the deceased; or for want thereof to the
executor or administrator of such deceased, to be as assetts for
the satisfaction of his debts and legacyes, or otherwise as
you shall see fitt, upon such conditions and tearmes as to
you shall seeme meete; our rents and arrearages of rent for,
the same being duly paid and satisfied.

    16. You are by no means to grant or pass any pattent for
any tract of land that is part or parcell of a greater tract
formerly granted.

    17. Upon resurvey of severall smaller tracts into one
intire tract upon some doubts of error or mistake made by the
surveyor or clerk of the office (evidently appearing soe to be)
you may rectifye the same by patent of confirmation thereof
such error or mistake aforesaid notwithstanding.

    18. All certificates of resurvey upon speciall warrant
granted in councill lett be returned first to the examiner
generall and then to the councill, before such time as they be
admitted to be entered upon record in the office.

    19. And wee will and require and doe hereby give full
power and authority to you the said coll. Henry Darnell,
and coll. William Digges in case you shall be both living to
signe all pattents and grants, of land legally obtained, and
other instruments to which the great seale is necessary or required,

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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