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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 114   View pdf image (33K)
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and taken to amount to tenn in the hundred over or under
and no more.

    6. Rent for land not paid in several yeares (especially where
orphans are concerned) or otherwise upon sufficient motives
thereto inducing, you may and have hereby power and
authority given you to accept of, in ready money if tendered, bills
of exchange, or otherwise as to you shall seem meete.

    7. The lands of an alien not naturalized escheating to us,
you may and have hereby power given you (upon
condemnation) to dispose of to any person or persons suitor or suitors
for the same, upon such conditions and tearmes as you shall
think fitt with respect to the nature, quality and quantity
thereof wherein you are to consult our most benefit and

    8. Pattents of exemplification may at request be granted
to any person or persons sueing for the same, where the
originalls by fire or other accident have been destroyed or lost.

    9. Alwaies upon supplication to you made, admitt of caveat
in behalf of orphans to be entered against the resurvey of
land to them belonging to be made by any other person for
discovery of the surplussage; which we will in all cases to
be afforded to the orphans before any other, upon such
conditions and tearmes as you shall think fitt and reasonable.

    10. Where two or more persons shall be equally
concerned in, or have right to any tract or tracts of land, and shall
jointly desire a speciall warrant to resurvey and equally
divide the same betweene them by the direction of a jury of
the vicinity or otherwise, you may in such case, and have
hereby power given you upon such request made grant such
warrant as is desired.

    11. Where it shall be discovered or made known unto you
that any grant or pattent hath heretofore been illegally or
surreptitiously obtained; or if any pattent shall at any time
hereafter be so obtained, you may and are hereby required to
order scire facias to issue forth of our chancery court of
records, to the pattentee or other present owner and
possessor thereof, to shew cause why the same should not be
vacated: And if the said land shall be adjudged and condemned
unto us for the reasons aforesaid, you may by letters
pattents or otherwise give grant or dispose of the same to
the discoverer thereof or other person or persons suitor or
suitors to you for the same, upon such conditions and tearmes
as to you shall seeme meete.

    12. Upon the death or removal of the surveyor generall,
(to whom or his deputies all speciall warrants have been and
are to be directed) want of convenient time, or other speciall
occasion happening and evidently appearing, you may cause
and give order for the renewing or continuing of any speciall

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 114   View pdf image (33K)
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