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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 116   View pdf image (33K)
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during our absence out of this province, and soe
long as wee shall think him fitt to continue the powers and
authorities to you by us given, and in case of the death or
absence of either the said coll. Henry Darnall or coll.
William Digges, then wee will that all pattents and grants of
land, and other instruments aforesaid shall be signed by
either the said Henry Darnall or William Digges and one of
our secretaries major Nicholas Sewall or John Darnall Esq.
to be good firme and valid in law to all intents and purposes
as if immediately signed by ourself: Unless such pattent
grant or instrument aforesaid shall immediately concern or
have particular relation to you the said Henry Darnall or
William Digges; in which case wee will that such pattent
grant or instrument aforesaid shall be signed by the other of
you not concerned, and one of the secretaries aforesaid, and
soe accordingly where the same shall concerne either of our
paid secretaries.

    20. And wee doe hereby authorize and empower you the
said major Nicholas Sewall and John Darnall Esqs. our
principall secretaries of this our province jointly or
severally by yourselves apart to signe all warrants, warrants of
resurvey or other speciall warrants for land or other
instrument to your place and office belonging by both your names
to be affixed by either of you present and attending in your
office for the time being; such warrants and speciall
warrants aforesaid being legally obtained upon conditions of
plantation, or by order of councill in manner aforesaid: And
alsoe upon due examination of all common ordinary or speciall
and extraordinary pattents with the originall and records of
the certificates, you and either of you the said major
Nicholas Sewall and John Darnall Esq. attending may and have
hereby liberty given you to attest such your examination by
both your names on the back of the said pattents, to be
attested also in the first place by the surveyor generall of this
province as agreeing with and being according to a just
survey thereof made.

    21. Upon the expiration or other determination of any
lease or other title to land of and within any of our
mannors within this province, we doe authorise and empower our
said trusty and well-beloved councellors herein before named
to renew the same to the tenants or inhabitants thereof for
and during the space and tearme of five years longer, upon
such tearmes and conditions as the same was formerly
granted, with a fine to be paid therefore.

    22. And forasmuch as all or most of the severall
concessions and condescensions in the overall articles herein before
contained are matters of grace and favour, we will and
require that for the encouragement of the clerk of our councill

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 116   View pdf image (33K)
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