name, to give grant lease or otherwise dispose of to such
person or persons suitor or suitors as aforesaid, or others
whom you shall think fitt, upon such conditions and tearmes
as to you shall seeme meete and convenient with due regard
had to the nature quantity and quality thereof.
2. Any error or mistake in the clerk of the office or
surveyor in returne of certificates, entering upon record, or
variance between the originall and record, or certificate and
pattent, you may (upon due proofe or other undeniable
circumstances made appeare) by your order to the justices of our
provinciall court in court sitting cause to be corrected,
rectified and amended, in the certificates, pattents, records and
originalls aforesaid as the case shall require.
3. To any person or persons haveing two three or more
tracts of land contiguous or adjoineing one to the other, you
may (upon suite made) grant speciall warrant to resurvey and
lay out the same into one entire tract with liberty of takeing
in or adding thereunto what waste land shall be found
contiguous, and grant pattent for the same upon such conditions
and tearmes as to you shall seem meete and reasonable, the
person sueing for the same surrendering up the several
former grants thereof to our chancellor or chancellors for the
time being to be vacated upon record.
4. To ascertain the meetes and bounds of any lands
adjoining to a former or more ancient survey, you may upon
suite made grant speciall warrant, at the cost and charge of
the petitioner first to resurvey and lay out the land of more
ancient survey, and then (if it shall be required) the land of
the petitioner according to the due courses meetes and bounds
in the pattents thereof mentioned and expressed.
5. Where there shall be wanting any quantity of land
granted by pattent, and the pattentee or lawful owners and
possessors thereof shall apply themselves to you for redress you
may cause speciall warrant to issue for the resurvey thereof
with liberty of making good the full due complement upon
waste land contiguous, or elsewhere within the province, not
intrenching upon any former or more ancient survey or reserve
for us made; and where through the error negligence or
mistake of the surveyor any greater quantity than by patent is
granted shall appear to be contained within the bounds thereof
you may and are hereby directed to grant the surplusage to
the pattentee or other lawful owner or possessor thereof
aforesaid before any other person upon conditions and tearmes as
to you shall seem meete, such pattentee owner or possessor
aforesaid sueing for the same in any reasonable time. The
words (more or less) in every grant alwaies to be held esteemed