and well beloved councellor major Nicholas Sewall, and our
trusty and well beloved councellor John Darnall Esq. to be
of our especiall and select council for us and in our name to
heare and determine all matters relating to lands as shall be
duely brought before them by any the inhabitants of our said
province, or others sueing for acts of grace and favour
therein: hereby also ordaining that they the said colonel Henry
Darnall, colonel William Digges, major Nicholas Sewall,
and John Darnall Esq. or any three of them shall be a
sufficient and compleate councill for the hearing and determineing
the matters aforesaid. Giveing and granting hereby unto the
said colonel Henry Darnall, colonel William Digges,
major Nicholas Sewall, and John Darnall Esq. or any three of
them as aforesaid full power and authority to sitt and hold
councill when, where, and as often as to them shall seem
meete for the end and purpose aforesaid, and to grant to the
inhabitants of our said Province and other suitors in such
cases, such favours benefits and priviledges as have been
usually given and condescended unto by us in councill,
according to such orders instructions and directions as We have
already given or shall hereafter think fitt and necessary to
give unto them: Hereby ratifying confirming and allowing
for firme good and valid whatsoever shall be done or granted
by our said councill pursuant to their said instructions, as
fully amply and largely to all intents and purposes as if
immediately done by Ourself or that Wee were personally present
at the doing thereof. This commission to countinue for and
dureing our pleasure: Witness ourself at Mattapony Sewall
this fifth day of May in the ninth year of our dominion &c.
Annoque Domini one thousand six hundred eighty and foure.
LIBER R. R. R. fol. 93.
Instructions for the Land Councill.
" Instructions powers and authorities given by the right
honourable Charles lord Baltemore lord proprietary of this
province &c. to the honourable colonel Henry Darnall,
colonel William Digges, major Nicholas Sewall, and John
Darnall Esq. councellors particularly and especially
appointed and assigned for the hearing and determining all matters
and things for and concerning lands (viz.)
Imprimis. Lands escheatable for want of heirs, non
payment of rent, or otherwise, at the request, costs and charges
of any person or persons suitor or suitors in that behalf
adjudged and condemned unto us in due forme of law, you
may and have hereby full power and authority for us and in our
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