Volume 60, Page 602 View pdf image (33K) |
602 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1674. Liber F warrant & defend the same to him the sd William Hatton & his heires against all persons whatsoever Claimeing by from or under him the sd Boareman, And the sd Land and premises are free & Cleare of all manner of incumbrances whatsoever, The Rents & services hereafter duc & payable to the Right Honbl the Ld Proprietary of this Prov- ince & his heires or Assignes Lord & Lords of the fee of the premises allwayes excepted & foreprized, And the sd William Boareman doth further for himselfe his heires Execrs & Admrs Covenant promise & agree to & with the sd William Hatton his heires Execrs & Assignes & every of them by these presents at any time within these seaven yeares next Comeinge at the reasonable request & at the proper Cost & Charges in the Law of him the sd William Hatton to doe, acknowledge make & execute any other law full Conveyance or Con- veyances, Assurance or Assurances in the Law whether it be by fine or Recovery or Inrolement of these presents or othewayes what- soever as by the Counsell of the sd William Hatton learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised, advised or required, In wittnesse whereof the parties above named have interchangeably sett to their hands & seales the day & yeare above written Sealed signed & Delivered William Boareman in presence of (locus) sigilli Thomas Dent Samuell Cressey The Court is adjourned till Eight of the Clocke to morrow morning. [p.27] The Court sitts again the Eleaventh day present Comissioners as before Mr Henry Adames Mr Thomas Matthewes Mr Zachary Wade Mr Robert Henly Mr John Duglas Mr William Barton Mr Thomas Hussey Captne William Boareman acknowledges Samuell Cressey his At- turney in all Causes depending in this Court Thomas Bull son of Thomas Bull late of Charles County dec Comes here in Court & declares himselfe to be of the full age of twenty one yeares Tobias Craw ford hath sworne in open Court that hee hath nothing that belongs to the estate of Michaell Ashfords in his hands, nor owes him nothing. It is ordered tht there be a reference in a Cause depending be- tweene John Allen Administrator of the goods Chattles & Creditts of Nicholas Solsby dec plaintife & James Munkister Defendant, till the next Court, & if James Munkister Defendt appeare not the next Court to answer unto the suite Comensed, Judgement is to be entred against the Defendant by default for nonappearance. |
Volume 60, Page 602 View pdf image (33K) |
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