Volume 60, Page 197 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670. 197 standing on the side of an hill by Sam: Cresseys fence belonging Liber D formerly to Wm Robinson from thence runing East into the woods for the lenght of 200 pearchs to a marked red oake from thence runing south till it intersect Tho: Bakers line & soe downe his line to the first bound tree being the land formerly belonging to Jo: Nevill decsd & being the one moiety of a pattt granted to Jo: Garbo for 300 acres bearing date Aprill the 14th 1653 & assigned to the sd John Nevill by the sd Gerbo Xbr 21th 1655 & to Allen & Munn partys to these prsents by Wm Nevill son & heire of the sd Jo: Nevill decsd 9br the 10: 1667: excepting a small tract of land runing from the sd Locust to a Spring & from the spring to the sd Bakers line all & singular its rights members & Appurtenanc's together Wth all houses buildings Orchards Gardens yards backsides lands tenemts feedings pasturs woods under woods ways Profitts Cofñoditys hereditamts & appurtenanc's wtsoever to the sd land or to any part or parcell thereof belonging or in any manner or waies apertaineing & also all the right title interest Claime & demand wtsoever of them the sd Allen & Munn of in & to the same & all deeds writings & evidences touching or con- cerning the prmises or any pte or pcell thereof To have & to hold the aforsd parcell of Land & all & singular other the premises wth their & every of their rights members & apurtenances wtsoever to him the sd Tho: Bennett his heirs & Assigns for ever & the sd Allen & Munn for thmselves their heirs Executrs & Admitrs covent promise & grant to & wth the sd Bennett his heirs Exectrs Admitrs & Assigns tht they the sd Allen & Munn now are lawfully & justy possd of a just & due title & dame in law of & in the before bargain'd premises & have full & absolute powr to bargaine sell & assure the same & tht the sd prmises now are & for ever hereafter shal be & Continue free & cleare & f rely & clearly acquited exonerat'd and discharged of & from all & Singular other bargains sales gifts grants leases rents areag's of rents rent charges morgages joyntures dowrs rights & titles of Dowrs claims & Demand wtsoever of thm or any of thm formerly had done or Comited or to be had done or Comitd And the sd Allen & Munn for thmselves their heirs Eexetrs & Admistrs the aforesd parcell of Land & all & singular othr the prmises before bargaind & sold the Appurte- nances unto the sd Benett his heirs & Assigns for ever agt thm the sd Allen & Munn their heirs & Asss & agt all & every pson or psons w'soever law fully claiming frö: by or undr thm or any of thm & agt all othr psons wtsoever shall & will warant & for ever defend by ths prsents & the sd Allen & Munn for thmselves their heires Eextrs & Admistrs doe covenant pmise grant & agree to & wth the sd Benett his heirs Executrs Admistrs & Assigns & every of thm by these prsents tht the sd Benett his Exets Admistrs & Asss & every of thm shall & may by force & vertu of ths prsts fro: tim to time & att all tims for ever herafter lawfully quietly & peacably have hold use occupy & possess & enjoy the sd land & all & singular the before mencon'd prmises & have & rece & take the rents isues & pfitts thereof to his |
Volume 60, Page 197 View pdf image (33K) |
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