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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 167   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670.     167

     That the sd Thomas Baker as well for and in Consideration of the Liber D
     full Summe of Foure Thousand Pounds of Tobaccoe in Caske in
     hand paid him before the ensealing and Delivery hereof by the sd
     Edward. Powell whereof and wherewth the sd Thomas Baker doth [p. 29]
     Acknowledge himselfe to be fully Satisfied Contented, & Paid and
     thereof and of every part and parcell thereof doth Acquitt and
     Discharge the sd Edward Powell his Executrs and Administrators
     and every of them by these presents as allsoe for diverse good Causes
     and Considerations him thereunto Moving Have Graunted Bar-
     gained, and Assigned Sett over and Confirmed and by these Presents
     doe fully Clearely and Absolutely Graunt Bargaine Sell assigne Set
     over and Confirme unto the sd Edward Powell his heires Executrs
     Administratrs and Assignes all tht Parcell of Land Scituate Lyeing
     and Being in Charles County upon the North Side of Potomack
     River Beginning at a Marked oake Standing by the Rising of a
     Hill going from Francis Popes to Thomas Bakers and Standing
     upon the North Side of Potomack River side from thence Running
     up Potomack River and Bounding by the River North and west for
     one Hundred and twelve perches to a Marked Spanish oake Standing
     by the River side in a Valley from thence Running up the said
     Valley to a Lined Poplar from thence Running East Northeast up
     the sd Valley for Sixtie foure Perches to a Marked Poplar from
     thence to an oake to the head of a Valley East and by South from
     thence downe the Valley nearest East and by North to Richard
     Dods Line tree to a Marked Chesnut Standing by the Valley side
     from thence Running South and by west to a Marked Hickorie
     Standing at the head of a Valley from thence Running downe the
     Valley to the Marsh side and soe along the Marsh and Bounded by
     the Marsh to the first Bound tree All and Singular wch said Parcell
     of Land wth all and Singular the houses Buildings Structures or
     edifices whatsoever unto the sd Land Belonging together with all
     orchards gardens pastures Feedings, Commons of Pastures Range
     for hogges Woods underwoods waters Water Courses Fishings
     Fowlings waies easemts Proffits Commodities and hereditamts what-
     soever unto the sd parcell of Land Belonging or in any Manner of
     waies appertaining To Have and to Hold the sd Parcell of Land and
     all and Singular the premises aforementioned to be hereby Bar-
     gained and Sold wth the Appurtenances and everie part and Parcell
     thereof whatsoever before Named, or Recited unto the sd Edward
     Powell his heires Executrs Adminrs and assignes for ever yeilding
     and Paying therefore yearely at the Dwelling House of Thomas
     Bakers one Bushell of shulld good Indian Corne at or upon the
     Nativitie of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to him the sd Thomas
     Baker his heires Executrs Adminrs and Assignes at the time and
     place as aforesd And the sd Thomas Baker for himselfe his Heires
     Execrs and Adminrs Doe Covenant graunt and Agree to and with
     the Edward Powell his heires Execrs Adminrs and Assignes and

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 167   View pdf image (33K)
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