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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 166   View pdf image (33K)
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          166 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—16 70.

         Liber D    Land and all and Singular other the premises before graunted Bar-
               gained and Sold with the appurtenances unto the sd James Macky
               his heires and Assignes and to the only proper use of the sd James
               Macky his heires and Assignes for ever against him the John
               Tompkinson his heires and assignes and all and every other person
               or persons whathoevcr Shall and will Warrant and fur ever Defend
         [p. 28]    by these Presents And the sd John Tompkinson for himselfe his
               heires Executrs and Adminrs Doth Covenant and graunt to and wth
               the sd James Macky his heires and assignes tht he the sd James
               Macky his heires and Assignes Shall be well and Sufficiently from
               time to time and at all times Saved and kept harmeles by the sd
               John Tompkinson his heires Executrs and Administratrs of and from
               all Manner of former graunts Bargaines Leases Joyntures Dowers
               Titles of Dowers rents or Arrearages of Rents forfeitures fines and
               of and from any other Titles or Troubles Charges demand or other
               Incumbrances whatsoever had done made Comitted Suffered or
               omitted by any person or Persons whatsoever (the Rents and Ser-
               vices which from henceforth from time to time for or in Respect
               of the premises shall grow due or Payable to the Cheife Lord or
               Lords of the fee or fees of the premises foreprized and excepted)
               touching or Concerning the Premises And Further the sd John
               Tompkinson for himselfe his heires Executrs and Administrators
               Shall and Will from time to time during the Space of five yeares
               next ensueing the date of these Presents at and upon the Reasonable
               request, & at the Cost and Charges in the Lawe of the sd James
               Macky his heires and Assignes Make doe Performe acknowledge all
               and every such further Law full and Reasonable Act and Acts, thing,
               and thinges device and Devices Assurance and Assurances and other
               Conveyance in the Law whatsoever for the further Better & more
               Perfect Assurance Sure Making and Conveying of all and Singular
               the before hereby graunted Premises with their, & every of their
               Appurtenances unto the sd James Macky his heires and Assignes for
               ever In Witnes whereof the Parties above Named to these Present
               Indentures have Interchangeably Set their hands and Seales the Day
               & yeare above Written.       Signum
               Signed Sealed and Delivered       John  Tompkinson
                in psence of us
                   William Price
                   George Thompson

                Thomas Baker Acknowledged this following Conveyance of Land
               to Edward Powell at the Crt held in the County of Charles County
               in the Monthe of August 1668.
                This Indenture Made the Eleaventh Day of August Annoq Dni
               1668 Between Thomas Baker of Charles County in the Province nf
               Maryland Planter of the one Part and Edward Powell of the Same
               County and Province aforesd Sawyer on the other Part Witnesseth

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 166   View pdf image (33K)
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