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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 164   View pdf image (33K)
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          164 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670.

         Liber D    Mentioned to these Present Indentures Have hereunto Set our hands
               and Seales the Day and yeare first above Written
               Signed Sealed and Delivered    his
                by Turfe and Twigge        Rich. 0 Jones
           Possession & Seisin                    Marke
                in the psence of us              his
                   Owen Jones              Humphry X Jones
                   Francis Adams                 marke

         [p. 26] To all Christian People to whom these Presents Shall Come &c.
               Know ye That I William Boyden of Charles County in the province
               of Maryland Planter for diverse good Causes, & Considerations me
               thereunto Moving have for my Selfe my heires Executrs and Adminrs
               Given graunted enfeoffed Assigned over and Confirmed and by these
               presents doe fully Clearely and absolutely give graunt enfeoffe as-
               signe over & Confirme unto my well Beloved Brother John Boyden
               of the same County to him his heires Executrs Adminrs and Assignes
               a parcell or Tract of Land Scituate Lyeing and Being in Mattawoman
               or St Thomas Creeke in the County aforesd being part of the Land
               wch I the sd William Boyden now Live on Beginning at a Bounded
               White oake Standing neare the Litle house I Lately Dwelled in
               on the sd Land, & running up the Creeke to the furthermost and
               upper Bound tree of the sd Land from thence running up the sd Line
               into the Woods to the end of the Line, and running from the first
               Mentioned Bounded White oake by a line drawn South and by east
               into the Woods unto the Miles end Wth all and Singular their Rights
               Priviledges, Members, & appurtenances thereunto Belonging or in
               any Manner of Waies appertaining together wth all houses Build-
               ings or Edifices thereon erected Woods underwoods Pastures Feed-
               ings Watercourses thereunto Belonging all my Right title interest
               Claime and Demand of me the Wm Boyden to and in the same
               To Have and to hold to him the sd John Boyden his heires Executrs
               Adminrs and assignes for ever And I the William Boyden doe
               for my selfe my heires Executrs and Adminrs Covenant graunt and
               agree to, & wth the sd John Boyden his heires Executrs Adminrs &
               assigns tht he the Jo. Boyden his heires and assignes Shall and
               May by force and virtue of these presents from time to time and
               at all times for ever hereafter have hold use occupy Possesse and
               enjoy the before graunted Parcell of Land and all and Singular
               the Appurtenances thereunto Belonging or in any wise appertaining
               and have receave and take the Rents issues and proffits thereof
               to his and their own proper use and behoofe without any Manner
               of Lett trouble Eviction exquietion Interruption or demand of or by
               the sd William Boyden his heires Executrs or Administratra or any
               or either of them or of or by anie other person or Persons Lawfully
               Claiming from by or under them or any of them or of or by any
               other persons whatsoever the rents & Services wch from henceforth

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 164   View pdf image (33K)
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