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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 163   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670.     163

     the sd Richard Jones and Humphrey Jones Bought of Owen Jones Liber D
     Scituate Lyeing and being on the east Side of the Maine Fresh of
     the Creeke formerly Called Nangemy but Now Avon river in Charles
     County adjoyning to the Land of Owen Jones, & Being parte of the
     foure hundred acres tht the Owen Jones Bought of Mr James
     Lyndsey Beginning and Bounding on the East upon a Red oake by a
     Line Drawne North and by east for breadth one hundred & twenty
     five perches to a Marked oake on the North by a Line drawn West
     from the oake for Length three hundred and twenty perches to a
     Marked Pokikory tree in a Valley on the West by a Line Drawn
     South and by West from the sd Pokikory for Breadth one Hundred [p.25]
     five and twenty perches to a Marked white oak on the South by the
     said owen Jones his Land and Paralell Containing and Laid out
     for two Hundred and fiftie acres be it more or Lesse all and Singular
     wch Parcell of Land. together wth all and Singular its Rights Mem-
     bers Jurisdictions and appurtenances wth all houses thereon erected
     Easements tenements orchards Backsides, Meadowes feedings Pas-
     tures Woods underwoods waies Proffits Commodities hereditaments
     and appurtenances whatsoever unto the Parcell of Land belonging
     or anie waies appertaining To Have and to hold the Parcell of
     Land and all and Singular the premises aforementioned to be Bar-
     gained and Sold wth the appurtenances and every part and parcell
     thereof whatsoever before Named or Recited unto the sd Humphrey
     Jones his heires Executors Adminrs or Assignes for ever yeilding
     and paying therefore unto the Cheife Lord or Lords of the Fee or
     Fees thereof the Rent and Services wch from henceforth from time
     to shall grow due for or in Respect of his or their Seigniory or
     Seignioryes And the sd Richard Jones for himselfe his heires
     Executrs Adminrs and Assignes Doth Covenant graunt and agree
     to and wth the, sd Humphrey Jones his heires Executrs Adminrs or
     Assignes & every of them by these Presents tht the Humphrey
     Jones his heires Executrs Adminrs or Assignes Shall & may Lawfully
     peaceably and quietly have hold occupie Possesse and enjoy all and
     Singular the premises before by these Presents Bargained and Sold
     and every part and Parcell thereof with every its Rights Members
     and appurtenances without the Lawfull Lett trouble Suite eviction
     Interruption or Demand of or by the Richard Jones or of or by
     his heires Executrs Adminrs or Assignes or of or by any other person
     or persons Lawfully Claiming from by or under them or any of them
     or their or any of their uses or by from or under any of their Titles
     estates Meanes or procuremts And the Richard Jones for himselfe
     his heires Executrs Administratrs all and Singular before Bargained
     Premises wth their appurtenances and every part and Parcell thereof
     unto the sd Humphrey Jones his Executrs Adminrs and Assignes to
     the Intent & Meaning aforesd Shall and will Warrant and for ever
     Defend by these presents In Witnes whereof the Parties first above

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 163   View pdf image (33K)
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