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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 165   View pdf image (33K)
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            Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—16 70.    165

      shall grow due to the Cheife Lord or Lords thereof for or in Respect Liber D
      of his or their Seigniory or Seignioryes for the before graunted
      premises only excepted and foreprized In Witnes whereof I have
      hereunto Set my hand, & seale this twenty eigth Day of May Anno
      Dni 1668.                      William Boyden
      Sealed and Delivered                      0
       in psence of us
          Will. Allen
          Luke Greene

       John Tompkinson Acknowledged this following Bargaine and [p. 27]
      Sale of Land to James Mackey at the Court held in the County of
      Charles County in the Monthe of August 1668
       This Indenture Made this Eleaventh Day of August in the yeare
      of our Lord one Thousand Sixe hundred Sixty and eight Between
      John Tompkinson of Charles Countie in the Province of Marieland
      Carpinter of the one part and James Macky of the same County
      Planter of the other part Witnesseth That the John Tompkinson
      for and in Consideration of the Summe of Sixe Thousand pounds
      of tobaccoe to him in hand Paid at or before the Ensealing and
      Delivery of these Presents by the said James Macky the Receipt
      whereof the sd John Tompkinson doth hereby Acknowledge, &
      himselfe therewith fully Satisfied and Paid and thereof and of
      everie Part and parcell thereof doth Clearely acquitt exonerate and
      discharge the James Macky his heires Executrs Adminrs and As-
      signes for ever by these Presents Hath Given graunted aliened
      Bargained Sold enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents Doth
      fully Clearely and absolutely Give graunt, alien, Bargaine Sell en-
      feoffe and Confirme unto the James Macky his heires and assignes
      for ever all tht Tract of Land Lyeing in Charles County aforesd
      Commonly known by the Name of Tompkinsons Long Lookt for
      Containing by Estimation two hundred acres or thereabout as By a
      Pattent from the Lord Proprietary of this Province under his great
      Seale Bearing date the 27th Day of May 1667 graunted to the
      Tompkinson Relacon thereunto being had may more at Large ap-
      peare with all and Singular its Rights Members and Appurtenances
      together wth all houses Edifices Buildings orchards, gardens, yards
      Lands tenements feedings Pastures Woods underwoods, and ap-
      purtenances whatsoever to the aforegranted premises Belonging or
      any wise appertaining together with all Deeds evidences Writeings
      Charters whatsoever touching or Concerning the same To Have and
      to Hold the aforesd Land and all and Singular the premises hereby
      graunted Bargained and Sold with their Rights Members and ap-
      purtenances whatsoever unto the sd James Macky his heires and
      Assignes and to the only proper use and behoofe of the James
      Macky his heires and Assignes for ever And the said John Tomp-
      kinson for himselfe his heires Executrs and Administrators the said

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 165   View pdf image (33K)
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