Acts. 605
called the Garrison Landing; and that the Time limited by the said
Act, for the compleating the Buildings, in order to secure the same
Lots, is too short to perfect the same, and have humbly prayed that
an Act may pass, granting a longer Time to the Takers up of the
said Lots, to build on the same; as also that the Owners or Takers
up of the said Lots, on building a House agreeable to the Directions
of the said Act, may be intitled to the same, although no Stone or
Brick Chimney be built thereto.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same, That Two Years from the End of this Ses-
sion of Assembly shall be, and is hereby given and granted to the
Person or Persons, their Heirs, or Assigns, who took up any Lot or
Lots in the said Town of Blddensburgh, more than what is given by
the before-recited Act, to compleat their Buildings.
Two Years
allowed for
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That the Takers up of the said Lots, their Heirs or As-
signs, upon his, her, or their building one good and substantial
Warehouse, which shall cover Four Hundred square Feet of
Ground, shall invest such Taker-up, his or her Heirs or Assigns,
with an Estate in Fee, in such Lot or Lots, although the same hath
no Stone or Brick Chimney.
to be built
by the Pro-
prietors of
such Lots as
have not
Houses built
on them.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That from and after the Tenth Day of November, which
shall be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred
Forty and Six, no Person or Persons inhabiting in any House or
Houses in the Town aforesaid, shall keep or make any Fire or Fires,
in any other than Brick or Stone Chimneys, under the Penalty of
Forty Shillings Current Money for every Offence, to be recovered
before a single Magistrate, as in the Case of small Debts, to be paid
to the Majority of the Commissioners of the said Town, one Moiety
for the Use and Benefit of the said Town, the other to the Informer ;
which said Magistrate is hereby impowered to hear and determine
the same, and to commit the Offender or Offenders to the Sheriff
of the County, on his or their Refusal, or Non-Payment of the Fine
Penalty on
Fires in
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when
and as often as any of the Commissioners, in the before-recited Act
mentioned, shall die, or remove out of the County aforesaid, or
refuse, neglect, or be otherwise incapacitated to act in the Eexecution
of the said Act, then, and in every such Case, the other Commis-
sioners aforesaid or the major Part of them, shall, and are hereby
empowered, required, and directed, forthwith to choose and appoint
one other fit and capable Person to be a Commissioner, in place of
such Commissioner so dying, removing, refusing, neglecting, or
p. 12
dying, &c.,
others to be