606 Assembly Proceedings, May \-June 4, 1744.
being otherwise incapableof acting; and so toties quoties as such
Vacancy shall happen: Which Commissioner so chosen and ap-
pointed shall, and is hereby declared to have all the Powers and
Authorities for putting the aforesaid Act in Execution, as any of
the other Commissioners in the said Act named.
Chap. XIV.
An Act appointing Commissioners for dividing St. Mary's County
into Four Parishes, and to erect that Part of All Faith and King
and Queen Parish, lying in Charles County, into a distinct Parish.
mented by
1745 Ch. 4]
Whereas, the Sheriff, Magistrates, Grand Jury-men, and other
the Protestant Inhabitants of St. Mary's County, have by their
Petition represented to this General Assembly, that the present ex-
tensive Limits of the Parishes within the said County, and by in-
cluding Part of Charles County, renders the Attendance of the
Clergymen very difficult in the Discharge of their Duty, and very
inconvenient to the Inhabitants, and that within the said St. Mary's
County there now is, exclusive of that Part of Charles County, a
sufficient Support for Four Clergymen, and will yearly increase:
They therefore prayed, that an Act may pass, to enable certain Com-
missioners therein to be appointed, to make a Division of the said
County of St. Mary's into Four distinct and different Parishes, by
proper Metes and Bounds; which Division should take place upon
the Death or Removal of the present Incumbent or Incumbents of
the said Parishes; which being granted, it is humbly prayed that it
may be Enacted :
Justices, &c.
sioners for
this Act.
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That the several and respective Justices of the said St. Mary's
County, for the Time being, together with the Sheriff and Surveyor
of the same County, for the Time being, be, and they are hereby
appointed Commissioners to execute the several Matters and Things
in this Act hereafter appointed and directed.
Time of
of the said
sioners for
laying out
the said
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, shall at or before the Thirtieth Day of August,
which shall be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun-
dred and Forty-four, meet at the Court-House at Leonard Town,
in the County aforesaid, in order to make the Division of the said
County into Four distinct Parishes, they the said Commissioners
first giving public Notice by Notes set up at the Court-House of the
said County, and the respective Churches and Chapels within the
same, Twenty Days at least before such their Meeting, and then and
p. 13
sioners to
make choice
of a Clerk,
there agree and conclude on the Time, Manner, and Form, of mak-
ing the Division aforesaid.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the said Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, shall and may, and they are hereby impowered