604 Assembly Proceedings, May 1-June 4, 1744.
sembly set forth, that they live so remote from their Parish Church,
that they cannot have the Advantage of hearing the Word of God
preached, and have therefore prayed that an Act may pass, empower-
ing the Justices of Prince George's County Court to levy on the
taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish the Sum of Two Hundred
and Fifty Pounds Current Money, and that the same be laid out in
the building a Chapel, for the Conveniency of the upper and remote
Inhabitants of the said Parish, on the Lands which William Scott,
senior, hath given to the Parish for the Use aforesaid; and that the
said Chapel may be deemed a Chapel of the said Parish, and at all
Times, when Need shall require, be supported and repaired at the
Charge of the said Parish.
250 l. to be
levied on the
of K. George
Parish, in
P. George's
County, &c.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Prince George's County
shall and may, and are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed
to assess and levy by Two equal and even Assessments, on the tax-
able Inhabitants of the said Parish, the aforesaid Two Hundred and
Fifty Pounds: which said Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds
shall be collected by the Sheriff of the said County, who is hereby
authorized and directed to collect the same, and who shall have for
such Collection, at and after the Rate of Five Pounds per Centum;
and the same Money, when so collected, shall be paid to the said
Vestry and Church-Wardens, who are hereby authorized and re-
quired to apply the same towards building a Chapel as aforesaid.
Money &c.
levied, how
to be
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That all Tobacco or Money, hereafter to be levied by
Virtue of any Act or Acts of Assembly of this Province, on Appli-
cation to the Justices of the said County, made by the Vestry and
Church-Wardens of the said Parish, shall be applied as well for the
repairing of the said Chapel, as the Parish Church in the said Parish,
in such Manner and Proportion, as to the Vestry-men and Church-
Wardens of the said Parish, for the Time being, shall seem most
just and reasonable.
Chap. XIII.
p. 11
A Supplementary Act to an Act entituled, An Act for laying out
and erecting a Town on the South Side of the Eastern Branch
of Potomack River, in Prince George's County, near a Place
called the Garrison Landing.
Whereas, sundry of the Inhabitants of Prince George's County
have by their Petition to this General Assembly set forth, that several
Persons had taken up Lots in the Town of Bladensburgh, according
to the Directions of the Act of Assembly entituled, An Act for lay-
ing out and erecting a Town on the South Side of the Eastern
Branch of Potomack River, in Prince George's County, near a Place