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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 347   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 347

forever Three Severall tracts or Parcells of Land lying in Ann
Arrundell County the one Called or known by the name of the In-
tacke Surveyed for One Hundred Acres more or less One other
tract Called or known by the name of Proctors Chance Surveyed
for Thirty Acres more or less. One other tract of Land called by the
name of the Mill Land Surveyed for One hundred Acres more or
less and also that Mill with the Lands thereunto belonging Scituate
lying and being upon the North Branch of South River and also all
those Messuages Lotes Tenements and Hereditaments with their
and every of their Appurtenances Scituate lying and being on Severn
River in Ann Arrundell Town in the County afd as by the same deed
Shewed to this Present generall Assembly and Endorsed Entred in
Lib: B. fol. Two- hundred and Sixty Seven Thos Briscoe Clk. which
record Book was Burnt in the late Stadt house fire in the County office
of said County more fully appears But that the two County Justices
before whom the said Deed was really acknowledged omitted to
Sign their Names to the same acknowledgment on the said deed

Liber LL, 5

Endorst altho one of them Signed the same deed as an Evidence she
therefore Prayed that an Act might Pass for Confirmation of the
same deed
And whereas it appears to this Present generall Assembly that
Sundry Sales have been made of the said Lands and Tenements
under the same deed the Titles of which Purchasers would be lyable
to be questioned where not Relief Provided in this Case. It is there-
fore Prayed that it may be Enacted. And be it Enacted by the right
Honrble the Lord Proprietor by and with the advice and Consent of
his Lordships Governeur and the Upper and lower houses of As-
sembly and the authority of the same that it shall and may be lawfull
for the sd recited deed the former record thereof being burnt as afd
to be recorded in the new Land Records of Ann Arrundell County,
and be of as full force and Effect to all Intents and Purposes as if the
same deed had been duly acknowledged and the Acknowledgment
thereof duly Certified any defect or omission therein in any wise
And whereas it is also represented to this Present generall Assem-
bly that the said Robert Proctor on the same twenty fifth day of
May the time of making the Deed aforementioned by his certain deed
under his hand and Seal duly Executed and Entred in the Same
County records and in the same Book by the same Clark above men-
tioned did for and in Consideration of his Debility of Body through
Sickness constitute and appoint the said Rachell by the name of his
most indeared and well beloved Wife Rachell Proctor his true and
lawfull Attorney irrevocably to ask demand Sue for Levy require
Recover and Receive all debts Sum and Sums of Money and Tobacco
goods wares Merchandize Lands Tenements or other Estate reall
or Personall whatsoever which were then due or Properly belonging

p. 13

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 347   View pdf image (33K)
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