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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 348   View pdf image (33K)
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348 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL, 5

to him the said Robert Proctor from any Person or Persons what-
soever and for default of Payment or Satisfaction to Arrest Implead
Attach Imprison and Condemn in his and their Body their Lands
goods and Chatties in Execution to take and out of Execution De-
liver and to Compound and agree as need shou'd require and also
the same to release acquitt and discharge and to adjust reckon and
Ballance Accounts with any Person or Persons whatsoever and also
to appear before any Judge or Justices in any Court or Courts of
Judicature and there to answer for him the said Robert Proctor all
Action or Actions there depending and also to appear from Court
to Court as need should require and attorneys to Substitute and at
Pleasure to Revoke without rendring any Account for the same to
him the said Robert Proctor his heirs Executors or Administrators
giving and granting unto his said wife as great Power and authority
to clo Say Conclude Perform and finish all and every other Act and
Acts thing and things device and devices whatsoever needfull to be
done, in and about the Premises in as full and Ample manner as if he
the said Robert Proctor were Personally Present for the better
Incouragement of his said dear and Loving Wife to Undergoe the
Burthen and to Enable her to help Cherish relieve Provide for and
maintain him the said Robert Proctor and her family and pay his
just debts he the said Robert Proctor did by the said deed give grant
Permitt Suffer and Licence his said dear and Loving wife Rachell
Proctor to Buy Sell Exchange Barter and alter the Property of any
Negroes Servants Cattle Sheep, horses, Plate household Stuff Lands
Tenements goods and Chatties or other Estate reall or Personall
whatsoever belonging to him the said Robert Proctor and the Profits
thereof to Receive take and at her will and Pleasure to dispose of the
same Lands to Purchase and take Conveyances in her own name and
to the uses of his said Wife and her heirs and to take Bills Bonds and
keep books of Account in her own name in as full and ample manner
as if his said wife were in truth a Feme Sole Merchant without the
Privity Consent allowance and Confirmation of him the said Robert
Proctor and that as a Feme Sole Merchant she his said wife might

p. 14

. Commence Suits for recovery of any Lands debts Bonds Bills
Accounts Covenant promise or other Contract whatsoever and he did
thereby give grant Permitt Suffer and Licence his said dear and
Loving wife (if it Pleased God she departed this Life during her
Coverture) to make a Will and therein Nominate Executor or
Executors for Execution of the same, that by the said will she might
give Bequeath and devise any or all the Lands Tenements goods
Chatties or reall or Personall Estate to any Person or Persons
whatsoever that she was then in Possession of or had any title to or
Interest in And that he the said Robert Proctor should at no time
do or cause to be done any Act or things to frustrate make void hinder
or Impead the full Performance of the same but that he the said

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 348   View pdf image (33K)
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