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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 346   View pdf image (33K)
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346 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL, 5

Nine Acres with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging in as full
and Ample manner to all Intents and purposes whatsoever as if the
same Land had been Conveyed to the said William Anderson
according to the Directions of the Act of Assembly for Quieting
Possessions Enrolling Conveyances and Securing the Estates of
Purchasers any Law Statute Judge or Custom to the Contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding Saving to his most sacred
majesty his heirs and Successors and to the right honrble the Lord
Propry and his heirs and Successors and to all bodies Politick and
Corporate and all others not mentioned in this Act their Severall and
respective Rights.

Acts of 1724,
ch. 8

An Act for the Naturalization of John Swineyard of Baltemore
County Planter

Be it Enacted by the right honrble the Lord Prory by and with the
advice and Consent of his Lordships Governeur and the upper and
lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the same that the
said John Swineyard being born under the dominions of the King
of France be Enabled and Adjudged to all Intents and Purposes to
demand and Challenge have hold and Enjoy any Lands Tenements
Rents and hereditaments to which he is or may in any wise be En-

p. 12

tituled to within this Province as if he the said John Swineyard
had been his Majestys free and naturall born Subject and Leige
Person thereof he the said John Swineyard having taken the usuall
Oaths to the Government appointed by Law and also that he the said
John Swineyard be and is hereby Enabled to maintain Prosecute
Avow Justify and Defend all and all manner of Actions Suits Plaints
Pleas, and other Demands whatsoever within this Province as
liberally frankly freely fully lawfully and Securely as if he the said
John Swineyard had been his Majestys Naturall born Subject and
Leige Person any Law Statute usuage or Custom to the Contrary
in any wise Notwithstanding.

Acts of 1724,
ch. 9

An Act for Confirming a certain deed of Settlement made by Robert
Proctor of certain Lands and Tenements therein mentioned to his
then wife Rachell now called Rachell Freeborn and to Invest the
said Rachell with other Lands in Pursuance of our deed of Gift
or Settlement.

Whereas Rachell Freeborn of the City of Annapolis widow hath
sett forth by her humble Petition to this Present generall Assembly
that Robert Proctor late of Ann Arrundell County deceased her for-
mer husband by his certain deed duely made Executed and Recorded
bearing date the twenty fifth day of May Sixteen hundred Ninety
and four for the Considerations in the same deed mentioned did give
grant Alien Enfeoffe and Confirm unto a certain Richard Hill in
trust and for the only use of the said Rachell her heirs and assigns

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 346   View pdf image (33K)
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