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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 214   View pdf image (33K)
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214 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL 4

and Lastly it is Covenanted and agreed upon by and between the
parties to these presents that all fines feoffments recoveries and
assureances in the Law Whatsoever had made or done or here-
after to be had made or done by the parties to these presents
Touching or Concerning the said four hundred and twenty acres
of Land and premises with their appurtenances or any parte or
parcell thereof shall be taken to be and Ennure to the only proper
use and behoofe of them the said Thomas and John Davies their
heirs and Assignes and to other intent or purpose In Wittness
whereof the parties above named have hereunto Set their hands
and Seales the day and Year first above Written Anthony Ivy
Anne Ivy sealed and delivered in the presence of Sollomon Wright
Evan Thomas. On the back of which said recited deed is thus
Endorst Viz: August twenty Third Seventeen hundred and tenn
Then Came before us the subscribers two of her Majesties Justices of
the peace Anthony Ivy and Anne his Wife (who being privately
Examined according to Law, and acknowledges the within deed
and the Land and premises therein Contained unto the Within
Thomas Davies and John Davies their heirs and Assignes forever
before us Solomon Wright John Wells. And whereas also it ap-
peares that Neither the said Robert Smith Esqr in his life time or the
said Anthony and Anne his Wife at the time of makeing and Execute-
ing the said Deed had any right or Title to the said Land the same
being then Vacant and never taken up And Whereas the said An-
thony Ivy in his Lifetime afterwards Viz. the Twenty second day of
September Seventeen hundred and Thirteen Obtained the Letters
patent of the, right honourable Charles Lord Baltemore lately de-
ceased for a tract of Land Called Confusion of which the said four

p. 320

hundred and twenty acres in the said Deed menconed is parte for the
Considerations and Suggestions in the said pattent menconed and set
forth which Letters patent are recorded in the secretarys office in the
province of Maryland in the book P Ll No 3 folio 513 that thereby
he the said Anthony Ivy may be Enabled to Convey the same pur-
suant to the agreement made between the said Robert Smith in his
Lifetime and the said John Davies in his Life time to the said
Thomas and John Davies the sons of the said Jno Davies and their
heirs according to the desire of the said John Davies in his Lifetime
And Forasmuch as it also appeares to this present Generall Assembly
that the said Anthony Ivy is Since Deceased having never made
any Conveyance of the said four hundred and twenty acres of land
after his Obtaining the said letters patent to the said Thomas and
John Davies and that Robert Smith Ivy the son and heir of the said
Anthony is now under age and under the Tuition and Guardianship
of Renatus Smith of Queen Ann's County Gentl his uncle and
thereby Incapable to Convey the said lands to the said Thomas and
John Davies & their heirs pursuant to the true Intent and meaning of

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 214   View pdf image (33K)
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