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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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Ac/s. 213

and Assignes forever And the said Anthony Ivy and Anne his Wife
for themselves their heirs &ca the said four hundred and twenty acres
of land and premises with their Appurtenances unto them the said
Thomas and John Davies their heirs and Assignes against them the
said Anthony and Anne his Wife their heirs and Assignes and all
and Every other person or persons Whatsoever shall and Will war-
rant and forever defend by these presents, And the said Anthony
Ivy and Anne his Wife for themselves their heirs &ca doe Covenant
and agree to & with the said Thomas and John Davies their heirs
and Assignes and Every of them that them the said Anthony Ivy
and Anne his Wife att the time of the Ensealing and Delivery of
these presents are and untill a good Absolute Estate of Inheritance
of all and singular the before granted premises and that Every parte
and parcell thereof shall be fully Vested and Settled in & upon them
the said Thomas and John Davies their heirs and Assignes and
according to the true Intent and meaning of these presents Shall
remaine Continue and be seized of and in the said four hundred and
twenty acres of Land and premises in & by these presents bargained
and sold with Every of their appurtenances of a good & absolute an
Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple without any Condition revercon
or Limitation or remainder of any use or uses Estate or Estates in
or to any pson or psons whatsoever to alter change or make Void
the same and that the said Anthony Ivy and Anne his Wife at the
time of the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents have full power
and Lawfull Authority and good right to sell and Convey all and
Singular the before hereby granted premises with their appur-
tenances unto them the said Thomas and John Davies their heirs
and that them the said Thomas and John Davies their heirs and
Assignes shall and may by force and Vertue of these presents from
time to time and at all times forever hereafter Lawfully and peace-
ably have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the said four hundred
and twenty acres of Land and premises with their Appurtenances and
have and take the rents and proffitts thereof to their own proper
use and behoof for ever without any Lawfull lett trouble denyall or
disturbance of him the said Anthony Ivy and Anne his Wife or any

Liber LL, 4

other person or persons whatsoever and that free and Clear freely
and Clearly acquited & Discharged Saved and kept Harmless by the
said Anthony Ivy and Anne his Wife their heirs &ca from all manner
of former and other Gifts Grants bargaines Sales Leases Mortgages
Joyntures Dowers Entailes rents & arrearages of rents and from all
and Singular other Titles and Incumbrances Whatsoever had made
or done by him the said Anthony Ivy and Anne his Wife their heirs
&ca or any other person or persons, whatsoever the rents and Ser-
vices which from Henceforth from time to time for and in respect
of the premises shall grow due and payable unto the Chief Lord or
Lords of the fee or fees of the premises only Excepted and foreprized

p. 319

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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