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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 215   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 215

his said father Anthony Ivy And whereas the said Renatus Smith
on his behalfe Confessed the matter & things aforesd to be true before
this Generall Assembly Therefore the said Thomas and John Davies
have humbly prayed that they and their heirs by an Act of Assembly
of this province to be made and by Vertue of the said deed so Exe-
cuted by the said Anthony and Anne his Wife in their Life times
according to the true intent and meaning of the said Deed so Exe-
cuted by the said Anthony and Anne his Wife in their lifetimes may
have the said land Confirmed to them and their heirs according to the
true Intent and meaning of the said deed as fully & Effectually in
Law to all Intents and purposes as if the said deed had been Executed
by the said Anthony and his Wife after the said Letters patents were
granted they paying to the Right Honourable the present Lord
Proprietarie the Alienation Fine within the Space of Six months
after the End of this Session of Assembly, Be it therefore Enacted
by the right Honourable the Lord Propryetarie by and with the
Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and the upper and
Lower houses of this present Generall Assembly and the Authority
of the same that the said Thomas Davies and John Davies their heirs
and assignes forever shall and may by Vertue of the said deed and
this present Act have hold and forever Enjoy according to the true
Intent and meaning of the said recited deed the afd four hundred and
twenty acres of land parte of the said tract of land Called Confusion
as fully and amply to all Intents and purposes Whatsoever as if the
said deed had been Executed, recorded and Acknowledged after the

Liber LL, 4


said Letters pattent were granted to the said Anthony Ivy and Ac-
cording to the Exigence of the Law any Law Statute or useage to the
Contrary Notwithstanding. Saveing the Right of his most Sacred
Majesty his heirs and Successors and of all bodyes Politique and

p. 321

An Act for the relief of Peter Sawell a Languishing prisoner in
Calvert County

Whereas Peter Sawell of Calvert County planter has by his humble
petition to the generall Assembly of this Province set forth that he

Acts of 1716,
ch 12
p. 325

has Continued a prisoner for debt in the Custody of the Sherriffe of
Calvert County for above three yeares past and still Continues in the
Like Deplorable Circumstances not being able to redeem his body
with all the Estate or Interest he has in the World which he would
readily Surrender up and parte with to his Creditors if they would
accept of the Same and grant him his Liberty But that although he
hath often made such offers with many repeated treaties that they
might be Accepted of, Yet he hath not yet been favoured with the
grant of his requests in that behalfe but instead thereof flat denyalls
of any manner of favour from the Chiefest of them so that unless
some relief be provided for him by a particular Act to be past in his

p. 326

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 215   View pdf image (33K)
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