give grant bargaine and Sell Enfeoffe and Confirme unto them the
said Thomas and John Davies All that four hundred and twenty
acres of Land lying in the said County being parte of a tract of Land
Called Confusion and now or late in the tenure of them the said
Anthony Ivy and Anne his Wife their assignee or Assignees and all
Gardens Orchards buildings fences and other hereditaments to the
same belonging or Appertaining, All which said four hundred and
twenty Acres of land are Scituate and being in Queen Annes County
afd Beginning at a bounded Red Oake standing on the south side
of the southeastermost main branch of Coursica Creek and in the
North west line of a tract of land formerly laid out for Humphrey
Devenport and runing thence from the bounds of the land of the afd
Thomas Davises South East One hundred perches then south West
by west three hundred and twenty perches then North west one hun-
dred perches then North East and by East to the first begining by
Estimation two hundred acres and then begining for the land of the
aforesaid John Davies at a bounded red Oake Standing in aforesd
South west and by West line of the land of the afd Thomas Davies
and runing thence with that Land South West & by west one hundred
and Ninety perches then south East and by East one hundred perches
then south west one hundred thirty and Six perches then East South
East one hundred and twelve perches to the Land formerly bought by
Richard Mirax then with that land North west by North forty six
perches then East Seven degrees south one hundred and fourteen
perches with Mirax his land to the bounded tree of the land Called
Smith's forrests then North and by East with that Land one hun-
dred and tenn perches then West by North fifty six perches then
North to the first tree Containing by Estimation two hundred and
twenty acres, and the revertion and Revertions remainder and re-
mainders of all and Singular the before hereby granted premises and
all rent and rents reserved upon any grant or grants demise or
demises made of the premises or of any parte or parcell of them and
also all the Estate right Title Claim and Demand whatsoever of them
the said Anthony Ivy and Anne his Wife in or to the same and all
Deeds and Writeings Whatsoever Touching or Concerning the