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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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70 Assembly Proceedings, October 10-30, 1727.

L. H. J.

The Bill in Favour of John Tennison Assented to was sent to
the Upper House by Mr Hawkins and Mr Maiding. They return
and say they Delivered it The Petition of Samuel Chamberlain
Read and Referred to the Committee of Accounts to Examine the
Matter of the Petition and make their Report therein to the House

p. 37

The Petition of the Inhabitants of the City of Annapolis was
read and referred to the Same Commissioners appointed on the 18th
Instant on the Petition of the .... of the City of Annapolis and to
be proceeded ..... Same Manner.
..... Making Hemp ..... advancement of Justice .... the Act
for .... Some Aggrievances ..... Past which .... House by Coll.
.... Say they delivered .... was read the .... table .... and Past
which ... to the Upper House p Coll .... They return and Say
[The Committee] of Laws Returns the following Report.......of
Samuel Chew Senr referr'd to that ....

By the Committee of Laws Octobr 21st 1727

The Allegation Mentioned in the within Petition are Sufficiently
made Appear to this Committee to be True
Sign'd p Ordr Wm Beckingham Cl Com.

Thereupon Leave is given to bring in a Bill as prayed

A Bill for the Relief of Peter Charmack was Read the first and
Second times by Especial order and Past which was so Endorst and
Sent to the Upper House by Collo Ward and Major Maiding
They return and say they Delivered it.

p. 38

The Committee of Laws Return .... Report on the Petition ....
Mr William Cumming.........before this House. Mr Govane and
Mr ..... Clients Oath. Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Upper
House delivers Mr Speaker the Bill for Dividing St. Paul's Parrish
in Queen Anns County with the following Message [The text of
this message will be found at page 27.]

p. 39

.... Included in the ..... read & Rejected ..... Clause be Added
..... Prisoners obliging ..... to give ..... Behaviour in the sum
of ..... for Twelve Months before Two ........ Marys County
Court .... of Sundry Poor Prisoners was read the second Time and
Past which was so Endorst and sent to the Upper House by Capn
Hooper and three others
They Return and Say they Delivered it.
Mr James Hollyday is Unanimously Chosen Treasurer for the
Eastern Shore of this Province.
Daniel Dulany Esqr a member returned to Serve for Ann Arun-
dell County in the Room of Thomas Bordley Esqr Deceased appears
in the House, But the Upper House being Adjourned he Cannot
now be Qualified.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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