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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 69

Fryday Octobr the 20th 1727

The House meets According to Adjournment. Yesterdays Pro-
ceedings are read

The Petition of William Ford was read and Referr'd to the Com-
mittee of Laws to Examine into the Allegations of the Petitioner
and to make their ......
[The text of this message will be found at page 25.]
Sent p Mr Wright and Mr Chairs. They return And say they
delivered the same

The Petition of Samuel Chew Senr on behalf of Richard Perrys
Heirs was read and referr'd to the Committee of Laws for their
Examination & Report therein ...............

L. H. J.

October 20

p. 34

..... from the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts ...... the
following Report Viz :

.......Aggrievances Octor 19th 1727

....... Aggrievance, that ..... Providing what ...... and other
Debts; ..... Suits at Law, ..... Supports Vexatious ...... by that
Law .... and Charge ..... with Producing ..... Way of Proceed-
ing ...... to the People .... such Accounts, ..... Inhabitants in
General and ..... Estates the Aggrievance hereby ..... Offered by
your Committee to the ..... House
.........Offer'd to this Committee as an
the Act of Assembly Entituled an Act for the Stay of Execution
after the tenth day of November which if not done the People
Superceeding Executions are Lyable to be taken in Execution, by
wch means the People are not Relieved from the Oppression Design'd
to be Given them by that Law, which is Likewise Submitted by your
Committee to the Consideration of the House
Signed p Order Nic Hammond Cl: Com :

With which this House Concurrs
Phillip Lee Esqr from the Upper house delivers to Mr Speaker
the Naturalization bill Viz.
For Daniel Maynadier and his Children For Samuel Mynskea
and others For John Wolf and others Severally Endorsed Viz.
On the Petition of ..... to the Resurvey of ..... Allegations of
all Parties Concerned .....
The House Adjourns till .... nine a Clock

p. 35

Saturday Octobr 21st 1727

The House met According to Adjournment Yesterdays Pro-
ceeds are read

October 21

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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