594 Assembly Proceedings, 1714-1726.
Law. But that in all such Cases, the Party or Parties grieved,
may have their Writ or Writs of Error, or Appeal, upon such erron-
eous Judgments, as they might 'have had before the making this
Act, any Thing therein to the contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the several Justices of
the Peace of any of the County-courts of this Province, that have
not already taken the Oath of Justice, according to the Directions
of an Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled, An Act for as-
certaining the Form of the Oath of a Judge, or Justice, be and are
hereby enabled and required to take the same, by Vertue of their
former Dedimus, at any Time before the First Day of July next,
any Thing in any former Act of Assembly of this Province, to the
contrary, notwithstanding.
Chap. I
[Wm Parks
1727, p. 290;
ch. IX of
Acts this
printed in
Vol. 35 of
Archives at
p. 569; re-
peals 1698.
ch. 13]
An Act for Uniting Part of Baltemore County, to Anne-Arundel
Whereas the several Inhabitants on the South' Side of Patapsco
River in Baltemore County, have, by their humble Petition to this
present General Assembly set forth, That for many Years past,
they have suffered great Inconveniencies by the Distance of their
Residence from the Court-house of their County, which is so scit-
uate that even moderate Rains render it inaccessible; for thereby
many Falls, as well as several Runs, which must be past, are utterly
unfordable, which constantly subjects such of them as are obliged
to attend the County courts, to the Censure of such Court, and very
often to grievous Fines :
And forasmuch as it is evidently made appear to this present
General Assembly, that the Petitioners, or such of them as then
re5ided on the South Side of Patapsco River as aforesaid, were
formerly Part of Anne-Arundel County; and that they, when Balte-
more County was in its Infancy, were lopt off from Anne-Arundel
County, meerly and with no other Intent than to bear a Part of the
necessary Charge of the said Baltemore County, with the few In-
habitants that were then therein, which, though their Taxes were
much increased thereby, they bore with Patience :
p. 291
And forasmuch as great Part of the Land in Anne-Arundel
County is so much worn out, that several of the former Inhabitants
thereof have of late Years removed into Baltemore County, for
Sake of the fresh Land there: As also, that on Inspection 'tis
found that when the now Inhabitants on the South Side of Patapsco
River in Baltemore County aforesaid, are taken from that County,
and made Part of Anne-Arundel, there will still remain One Thou-
sand Seven Hundred Ninety One Taxables, as appears by the List
of Taxables now returned from that County, which is a Number
that far exceeds those in Four or Five other Counties of this Prov-