ince; And that it appears by the said List of Taxables, that the
Number of Taxables since last Year has increased near Two Hun-
dred, and in all Probability will in a very few Years (by Lands
being daily seated and taken up on the Branches of Susquehannah
River, and other Rivers in the said County) be much improved :
The Premises aforesaid being considered by this present General
Assembly, It is humbly prayed that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietor,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of this present General Assembly,
and the Authority of the same, That from and after the last Day of
May, which shall be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven
Hundred Twenty Seven, the Land lying on the South Side of Pa-
tapsco River aforesaid, and contained within the Bounds following,
viz. From the Mouth of the said Patapsco River, with the said
River, to the Head thereof, and from thence bounding on the South
Side of the main Falls, being the Southernmost great Branch of
the said River, and running as the said Branch runs, to the first
main Fork of the said Falls, and then bounding on the South Side
of the said Southermost Fork, 'till a South Course will intersect
the Head of Snowden's River, and so down the said Snowden's
River, 'till it meet with the now Extent of Anne-Arundel County,
shall be, and for ever hereafter deemed as Part of Anne-Arundel
County; and that the Inhabitants thereon already seated, or that
shall hereafter be seated, shall be and are hereby declared to be the
Inhabitants of Anne-Arundel County; and shall by Virtue of this
Act be entituled to the same Rights and Priviledges within the said
Anne-Arundel County, as other the Inhabitants thereof now have,
or hereafter may have; any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the
contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Provided always, That nothing herein contained, shall extend or
be construed to extend, in any Manner to hinder or debar any Per-
son or Persons from recovering their just and lawful Debts, Dues,
or Demands whatsoever, or to stay or hinder any Prosecutions or
other Matters already begun, or that shall at any Time before the
said last Day of May, Seventeen Hundred Twenty Seven, be begun
in Baltemore County Court, against any the Inhabitants living on
the aforesaid South Side of Patapsco River aforesaid, and included
within the Bounds aforesaid; but that such Prosecution, or other
Matter or Thing whatsoever, may be proceeded in, in the same
Manner as if this Act had never been made; any Thing herein con-
tained, or any other Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the con-
trary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, That that Part of the Act of Assem-
bly for dividing Anne-Arundel County, as relates to the South Side
of Patapsco River being added to Baltemore County, be, and is
hereby utterly repealed and made void.