Acts Not Previously Printed. 593
or Jurisdictions within this Province, occasion'd (as 'tis said) by
the tender Consciences of the Attorneys practising the Law therein.
For Remedy whereof,
Be it Enacted, That all such Actions or Causes as were depend-
ing at any Time before the said Sixth Day of October, Anno
Domini Seventeen Hundred and Twenty Five, in any the Courts or
Jurisdictions within this Province, and discontinued, or Non-Suits
or Judgments entered therein, at any Time before the End of this
Session of Assembly, shall be taken, deemed, reputed and held to
stand and be, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever,
as if such Non-Suits, Judgments, Decrees or Discontinuance had
never been entred: But that the several Judges, or Justices, may
proceed to the Hearing and Determining all or any such Causes;
any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the contrary thereof, in any
wise, notwithstanding.
This Act to continue for Three Years; and to the End of the
next Session of Assembly that shall first happen after the End of
the said Three Years.
An Act to revive, continue and make good and valid in Law, all
Process and Proceedings in any of the County Courts within this
Province, from the First Day of the County-Courts, held or to
be holden in this Month of March, Seventeen Hundred and
Twenty Five, until the First Day of the several County-Courts
that are to be held in the Month of June, Anno Domini Seven-
teen Hundred and Twenty Six.
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of this present General Assem-
bly, and the Authority of the same, That all Writs, Pleas, Process,
Indictments, Informations, Bills, Suits, Actions, or Proceedings
whatsoever, depending in any of the said County-courts, the said
First Day of the said March Courts, Seventeen Hundred and
Twenty Five, which have or may be discontinued, by the irregular
Adjournment or Proceedings of the said Courts, and all Writs and
Process returnable from the said first Day of the said March Courts,
or from the last Day of any of the aforesaid Courts, to the first Day
of the June Courts, then next ensuing, shall be good and effectual
in Law, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, any
Discontinuance by the irregular Adjournment of the said County-
courts, or any other Thing to the contrary, in any wise notwith-
[Wm Parks
1727. p. 289]
Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained,
shall not extend, or be construed to extend, to take away such Er-
rors in Law, as shall or may arise upon the Mis-issuing of Process,
Mis-pleading and, erroneous rendering of Judgments in Point of
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