To which the following answere was prepared, and sent by Coll
Matt. Tilgh. Ward.
By the Upper house of Assembly Octor the 30th 1727
This house Concurrs with you in your message this Day by Mr
John Chair's and Capt John Elliot relateing to the negotiateing the
Bills of Exchange for the Countrys use
Signd p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. ho.
A Message from the Lower house by John Beale & Vachel Den-
ton Esqrs Viz
By the Lower house of Assembly October the 30th 1727
May it please your Honours
This House does appoint John Beale and Vachel Denton Esqrs
to be join'd with such a member of your house as you shall appoint
to be a Committee to apportion the Publick Levy for this present
Sign'd p order M Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.
To which the following answere was prepared and sent by John
Hall Esqr Viz.