Esqr from the Lower House attend in the Conferrance Chamber
to see the Laws seal'd which were afterwards Carried to the Lower
house by the said Greenfeild and Beale
The following Address to His Majesty being Signd by His Ex-
cellency and the Councill was sent to the Lower house by Philip
Lee Esqr Viz.
To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
The Humble Address of the Governour and Uper and Lower Houses
of Assembly in the Province of Maryland.
Most Gracious Sovereign
We your Majestys most Dutifull and Loyall Subjects the Gover-
nour and the uper and Lower houses of Assembly in Maryland
now Convened beg leave to Express the deep Sence we have of our
great loss by the Death of your Royall father King George the
first of Blessed Memory a Prince of most Heroick and inestimable
Vertues under whose Administration our pure and holy Religion
was Supported and Piously Propagated our Laws Liberties and
Propertyes maintained and Strenuously defended and all other
Blessings that a free People could Expect from the best of Kings
dispenced among us The Reflection of his Death makes us Justly
lament our Tears due to our late most Gracious Sovereign, and
after haveing paid this Duty to his Glorious Memory, Joyfully to
offer our most Sincere Congratulacons for your Majesty's Acces-
sion to the Throne of your Royall Ancestors And to assure your
Majesty that we have not the least reason to Doubt our being
equally happy under Your Majestys Administration, the Vertues
of your great and Royall father being Inherent in your Majesty,
and we most Earnestly beseech your Majesty to beleeve (altho' at
this Distance from your Royall Presence) none of your Majesty's
Subjects can have a more awfull and Just regard for your Majesty
then the People of this Province and we Devoutly pray that the
great and Divine being will Shower down Blessings on your
Majesty, Your most Pious and Illustrious Consort, and your Royall
Progeny, to be a Blessing to your Kingdoms till time shall be no