By the Lower house of Assembly October the 30th 1727
May it Please your Honours
We were and are Satisfied of Coll Calverts Right to the three
half pence a hhd and we prepared the Bill to Satisfye the Navall
Officers that they might Safely Pay it to him and not to remove
any scruple of our own But since your Honours are of opinion that
the matter is so Clear as to make the Explanatory Act propos'd
Needless we Concurr with your Honours therein
Sign'd p order M Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.
An Engrosd Bill from the Lower house by John Beale Esqr and
Capt Henry Hooper Entituled an Act for the Payment and asses-
ment of the Publick Charge of this Province for this present year
1727 thus Subscribed Viz.
October the 30th 1727
Read and assented to by the Lower house of Assembly and
Sign'd p order M Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Read and assented to by this house and order'd to be so Sub-
The Paper Bill so Endors'd is sent down to the Lower house by
Nicholas Lowe Esqr
The List of Private Bills as Taxed by the Lower house is read
and approved of by this house and Resolved that Mr Geo. Plater
Clk of this house be allowed such fees on the same as are allow'd
to the Clk of the Lower house this Session
A Message from the Lower house by Mr John Chairs and Capt
John Elliot Viz.
By the Lower house of Assembly October the 30th 1727
May it Please your honours.
This House haveing taken in Consideracon the loss on the Sale
of Bills of Exchange in the Country that arrise on the Severall
impositions for defraying the Publick Charge think it more advan-
tageous that the Treasurers remitt the Bills to some responsible
Merchant in London to be negotiated for the Countrys use by
which we expect to save at least two and an half p Cent. Where-
fore we have Resolved the Bills shall be remitted accordingly and
have agreed upon Mr William Hunt to be the Merchant to Nego-
tiate them wherewith we Desire your Concurrence.
Signd p order M Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.