An Act for regulating of Ordinaries, for the better regulating of
Ordinary-Keepers and Inn-holders within this Province, for the
It is thought necessary a Fine be imposed on every Person that
shall be Licensed to keep an Ordinary or House of Publick Enter-
tainment: And forasmuch as many tedious and chargeable Debates
have happened concerning the Application of those Fines, which
the Representatives of the good People of this Province have hith-
erto insisted could not be made without their Assent thereto, in a
Law, which the Delegates and Representatives as aforesaid, in this
present General Assembly cannot depart from: But for that, this
present General Assembly are fully sensible how deeply they are
engaged to his Lordship the Right Honourable the Proprietary,
for his so generous and ready a Complyance with the most Impor-
tant of our late Humble Requests, in committing the Care of all his
publick and private Affairs within this Province, intirely into the
Hands of well affected Protestants, to the Disappointment of others,
and much to the Peace and Satisfaction of his Majesties most affec-
tionate Subjects, It is humbly hoped his Lordship will be favourably
pleased to accept of our Readiness in laying the Fines proposed on
the Ordinary Licences, as a grateful Acknowledgment of his Lord-
ship's Goodness, and the Benefits we have received by such his Lord-
ship's Administration; and that it may be enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gover-
nour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and by the
Authority of the same. That from and after the Publication hereof,
the Justices of each County, in Court sitting, be and are hereby im-
powered and authorized, from Time to Time, as often as Need shall
require, to grant Licences to such Person or Persons as they shall
think fit to be Ordinary-Keepers and Inn-holders, for keeping Ordi-
naries and Houses of Entertainment, so long a Time, and in such
and so many Places in their several and respective Counties, for the
Ease and Convenience of the Inhabitants, Travellers and Strangers,
as to them respectively shall seem meet; for which Licences the said
Persons, that shall be licenced to keep Ordinaries as aforesaid, shall
at the Time of his and their taking such Licences, enter into Recog-
nizance to his Lordship the Lord Proprietary, for the Payment of
the several and respective Sums following, (That is to say,) For
every Licence to keep Ordinary in the City of Annapolis, the Sum
of One Thousand Pounds of Tobacco to his Lordship, and at any
Chap. I
Jones' com-
printed by
1718, con-
tinued by
1720, ch. 14]
[Ch. II,
XV of Acts
this Session
printed in
Vol. 33 of
beginning at
p. 107]