other Place within this Province, the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds
of Tobacco for every Year such Person shall keep Ordinary as
aforesaid, to be paid as aforesaid; for which said Licence and
Recognizance, the Party or Parties taking the same, shall pay to
the Clerk of each respective County-court, the Sum of Thirty
Pounds of Tobacco, and no more.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Justices of the several County-courts, be, and are hereby authorized
and impowered, at their several County-courts in the Month of
August Yearly, or oftener as they shall think fit, and every Year,
having summoned each respective Ordinary-Keeper within their
respective Counties, then and there to set and assess the Rates and
Prices of all Liquors and other Accommodations whatsoever, by
them the said Ordinary-Keepers to be vended for the Year ensuing,
and so Yearly and every Year; which Rates and Prices of all
Liquors so to be set and assessed, limited and appointed by the Jus-
tices aforesaid, shall be by their several and respective Clerks tran-
scribed, and set up at the several and respective County-courts in
some publick Places there, that every Person or Persons may peruse
the same; the Copy of which Table of Prices of Liquors and
Accommodations, every Ordinary-Keeper within each County, are
hereby obliged to transcribe fairly, and keep the same set up in the
most publick Places of their Houses, for the Perusal of all Persons
that receive any Ordinary Accommodations from them, under the
Penalty of One Thousand Pounds of Tobacco to his Lordship, his
Heirs and Successors, to be applyed towards the Maintaining a pub-
lick School in such County where such Fines shall become due; to
be sued for on Non-Payment thereof, in his Lordship's Name; for
which Summons and Table of Prices, every Ordinary-Keeper shall
pay to such Clerk the Sum of Twenty Pounds of Tobacco, and no
more: And every Ordinary-Keeper or Inn-holder that shall, after
the setting up and assessing the Rates and Prices aforesaid, directly
or indirectly, take, exact, demand or receive for the Price and Pay
for any such Liquors, or other Accommodation's, for which the
Rates and Prices shall be assessed and set as aforesaid, of any Per-
son or Persons whatsoever, above the Rates and Prices so set and
assessed as aforesaid, shall for every such Account sued for, taken
or received, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds of
Tobacco, one Half thereof to his Lordship, his Heirs and Successors,
to be applyed to the Use aforesaid, and the other Half to him or
them that shall inform or sue for the same; and loose every such
Debt or Account sued for, taken or received, so unjustly charged,
exacted and demanded; the said Forfeitures to be recovered in any
Court of Record within this Province, by Bill, Plaint or Informa-
tion, wherein no Essoyn, Protection or Wager of Law to be allowed.