which since the Restoration thereof to his Lordship, have been in
his Lordship's Name and Stile; and for that it is the Intent of this
present General Assembly, that no Disappointment or other Incon-
venience should arise to any Suitors by Pretence of any Discon-
tinuance, or other Error, or cause of Exception by Means or Occa-
sion of the aforesaid Change of Government, It is humbly prayed
that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gover-
nour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and by the
Authority of the same, That all Pleas, Suits or other Prosecutions
or Proceedings whatsoever, in any Court of Judicature within this
Province, that were commenced or depending before the Govern-
ment of this Province was restored to his Lordship, and remained
undetermined, until and after the same Government was restored as
aforesaid, shall be, and are hereby as effectually continued, to all
Intents, Constructions and Purposes whatsoever, as if no such
Alteration or Change of Government had ever happened; any De-
fect or Error in such Proceedings by being in his present Majesty's
or her late Majesty's Names and Stile, when they ought to have
been in his Lordship's Name, any Want of Authority in such
Courts, or other Error or Defect occasioned by the said Change of
the Government only, or any Law, Statute or Custom to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, That the Proceedings of the several
Courts of Judicature within this Province, until this Time, be and are
hereby confirmed, so that no Advantage shall be taken of any Want
of Authority, Defect or Error on such Proceedings, occasioned by
such Change of the Government only, but that all such Defects and
Errors be and are hereby perfectly aided, according to the true In-
tent and Meaning of this Act; any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom
to the contrary notwithstanding.
And forasmuch as sundry the Justices of the Quorum in several
of the Counties of this Province, are Members of the Lower-House
of Assembly, and whereas the several County-courts of this Prov-
ince are appointed to be holden in the Month of August, so that
either such Justices must leave the said House and Service of their
Country, or that such County-courts must fall for want of their
Attendance, unless provided against by a Law.
Be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That in case there shall not appear, or have not appeared a sufficient
Number of Justices at the Time and Place appointed for the holding
the County-court in the several Counties within this Province, to
adjourn such County-courts regularly and legally, according to the
Tenor of their Commissions, and the Act of Assembly of this Prov-
ince, in this case made and provided, That then and in such Case,