Eighteen Months from the Time of such Taking up, a House that
shall cover Four Hundred square Feet, exclusive of Sheds. And to
the End, that the Houses aforesaid may be the more regularly
Be it Enacted, That all the Houses to be erected on any the said
Lots, shall be built on the Edge of some Street, Lane, or Alley, and
front the same.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Commissioners aforesaid, or the major Part of them, shall return an
Account of their Proceedings to the Clerk of the County, within Ten
Days after the said Town shall be so laid out; who is hereby oblig'd
to enter the same in the Land Records of the said County, and file
and keep the Original Report in his Office; and that the Surveyor
aforesaid, shall likewise return to the said Clerk, a fair Plat and
Certificate of the said Town within the Time aforesaid, to be enter'd
and fil'd as aforesaid; and that any Person or Persons, who shall
think fit to take up any of the Lots aforesaid, shall apply to the said
Clerk, who is hereby obliged to make an Entry in the said Records,
of the Name or Names of the Person or Persons so applying, with
p. 6
the Day of the Month, Date of the Year, and Number of the Lot or
Lots, by him, her, or them, so taken up: And the Person or Persons,
who shall cause such Entry to be made, and shall build on such Lot
or Lots according to the Directions, and within the Time limited by
this Act, shall be vested with a good, sure, and indefeizable Estate
of Inheritance, in Fee Simple, of, in, and to the Lot or Lots, by him,
her, or them, so enter'd and built on, as aforesaid: Any Law, Stat-
ute, Usage, or Custom to the contrary thereof, in anywise, notwith-
And be it further Enacted, That any Person or Persons, who shall
take up any the Lot or Lots aforesaid, and shall neglect or refuse to
build thereon, according to the Directions, and within the Time lim-
ited by this Act, such Person or Persons, so refusing or neglecting,
shall intirely lose all his, her, or their Right, Title, Estate, Claim,
and Interest, of, in, or to such Lot or Lots so taken up, and not built
on as aforesaid. And it shall and may be lawful, for any Person or
Persons whatsoever, to take up the said Lot or Lots, he, she, or they,
making such Entry as is before by this Act directed, and paying such
Sum or Sums as shall be first set and assess'd upon such Lot or Lots,
to the Commissioners' aforesaid, or such Person or Persons, as the
said Commissioners, or the major Part of them shall think fit to
appoint to receive the same, for the Publick Use, and Benefit of the
said Town. And such second Taker-up, shall, by Virtue of such
Entry, and Payment, and Building on such Lot or Lots, according
to the Directions of this Act, within Eighteen Months, from the
Time of such second Entry, be vested with the same Estate, as in
and by this Act, is vested in, and settled on the first Taker-up. And