Acts. 459
in Case any the Lots aforesaid, shall remain untaken up at the End
of Seven Years, from the laying out such said Town; that then, and
in such Case, the Owner or Person Interested at first in the said
Land, after such Time expired, shall be possessed and interested in
said Lot or Lots, as in his or their first and former Estate: Any
Thing in this Act to the contrary, notwithstanding.
And be it Enacted, That the Surveyor of the said County, shall be
allowed for laying out and surveying said Town, and returning Plat
and Certificate thereof to the Clerk, and paid in the County Levy,
the Sum of Fifteen Hundred Pounds of Tobacco; and that the Clerk
be likewise paid by the said County, for entering and filing such Plat,
Certificate, and Report of the Commissioners aforesaid, such reason-
able Fee or Reward, as the Commissioners aforesaid, or the major
Part of them, shall think fit; and for every Entry to be made by the
Takers-up, for each Lot, the Sum of Twelve Pounds of Tobacco.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Town, when laid out, as
before directed, shall thence forward be called and distinguish'd by
the Name of Charles Town, and not by any other Name or Distinc-
tion whatsoever.
And be it further Enacted, That nothing in this Act shall extend,
or be construed to extend to prejudice any Person or Persons, his
or their Heirs or Assigns, who have comply'd with the Requisites
of the Act of Assembly, whereby Part of the said Land was actually
survey 'd and laid out into Lots, and then call'd Chandler Town, of
their Title to, or Inheritance in said Lots: But that the said Persons,
their Heirs and Assigns, shall remain in the same State, as if this
Law had never been made. Saving also to His Most Sacred
Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, his Heirs and Successors, and to all Bodies Politick
and Corporate, and all Persons not mentioned in this Act, their sev-
eral and respective Rights: Any Thing in this Act to the contrary
thereof, in anywise, notwithstanding.
p. 7
An Act impowering and directing the Justices of the several Coun-
ties within this Province, to levy any Quantity of Tobacco, not
exceeding Ten. Pounds per Poll, on the Taxable Persons of any
Parish in each of their respective Counties, on Application to them
made, by the Vestry and Churchwardens of any Parish.
Whereas it is represented and made appear to this present Gen-
eral Assembly, that some of the Justices of the Peace within this
Province, have refused to assess Tobacco on the Inhabitants of some
Parishes, altho' Application hath been made to them, by the Vestry
and Churchwardens, to that End :
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's
Chap. VII