and allotted for a Custom-house; and which, at present, lies useless
and unimproved :
And whereas, on a Survey made, and reported to this General
Assembly, it appears, that the Land design'd and allotted for the
building of a Custom-house on, is contained by Two Hundred and
Ten Feet in Breadth on the Water, and Three Hundred and Sixty
Feet in Length, and Eighty Two Feet in Breadth, on the Head of
the said Land; which is not only sufficient, and enough for that
Use, but also for the building of a Market-house thereon,
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice, and Consent of his Lordship's
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same. That Sixty Feet in Breadth on the Water,
and Three Hundred and Sixty Feet in Length, and Twenty Five
Feet on the Head of the said Land so allotted, and designed for a
Custom-house, as aforesaid, and lying on the Northerly Side of the
said Land, shall and may be surveyed, laid out, and marked, by
Henry Ridgley, Mordecai Hammond, and John Welch, of Anne-
Arundel County, Gent, or any Two of them, who are hereby au-
thorized and impowered, to survey, lay out and mark the same, and
to return a Certificate thereof, to the Mayor's Court of the said
City, to be recorded, for the building a Market-house on; and that
the Incorporate Body Politick. of the said City of Annapolis, and
their Successors, shall be hereafter seized of an Estate of Fee-simple,
in and to all the said Sixty Feet of Land in Breadth on the Water,
and Three Hundred and Sixty Feet in Length, and Twenty Five,
Feet in Breadth, at the Head of the said Land, so to be Surveyed,
laid out and mark'd, and a Certificate returned as aforesaid, for the
Use and Benefit of the said Corporation, for and to the Purposes
aforesaid: Any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the Contrary
thereof, in any wise notwithstanding.
Provided, That the said Incorporate Body Politick, build or cause
to be built, a Market-house on the said Land, within Two Years
after the same shall be so surveyed, marked, and laid out, as afore-
And it is hereby further Enacted, That the said Incorporate Body
Politick, shall have full Power and Authority, to sell, alien and dis-
pose, in the Manner they shall think fit, for the best Price which
may be got for the same, all that Land formerly laid out, allotted,
and left Vacant, for the Building of a Market House as aforesaid ;
and that the Money or Tobacco, so to be raised by Sale thereof,
shall be, and is hereby directed to be applyed towards the Building
of the Market-house, intended by this Act, to be built on the Land
to be surveyed, laid out and marked, by Virtue of this Act, as afore-
p. 15