Chap. X
[1727. ch. 7]
An Act repealing Part of an Act, entituled, an Act concerning To-
bacco, made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City
of Annapolis, on Tuesday the Tenth Day of October, Seventeen
Hundred and Twenty Seven.
Forasmuch as Part of the said Act, entituled, An Act concerning
Tobacco, is thought needless, and a Burthen upon Trade :
Be is Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That one Clause of the said Act, giving an Allowance for
the Hogshead, of Eight per Cent, from the Buyer to the Seller, for
the neat Weight of the Tobacco contained in such Hogshead. And
one other Clause of the said Act, preventing making Seconds, and
cutting up Tobacco Stalks in Twenty Days after the Tobacco should
be cut down and housed. And one other Clause of the said Act,
preventing Tobacco Seed to be sowed in Hills. Also one other
Clause of the said Act, requiring the Sellers or Payers away of To-
bacco, to roll the same; be and are hereby repealed.
p. 16
[Ch. XI is
private act ;
copy not
Chap. XII
[Kilty in
1799 did not
print this
statute, stat-
ing "This
act has not
been re-
pealed, but,
it may be
has ceased
to have any
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and
with the Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That the Allowance for
the Hogshead from the Buyer of Tobacco to the Seller, shall be
Eight Pence Current Money of Maryland, or Six Pounds of To-
bacco, at the Election of the Buyer, for every Hundred Weight of
Tobacco the Hogshead shall contain, which shall be in full Satisfac-
tion of the Hogshead: Any Law, Statute, Usage, or Custom to the
contrary notwithstanding.
An Act for destroying Bears in Somerset County.
Forasmuch as it is represented to this present General Assembly,
That the Inhabitants of Somerset County are much oppressed by
Bears, Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gover-
nor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Au-
thority of the same, That every Person that shall bring to any Jus-
tice of the Peace, in Somerset County, the Head of a Bear that was
killed in the said County, shall be allowed in the Levy of the said
County, One Hundred Pounds of Tobacco; which said Sum of One
Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, for each Bear that shall be so killed,
the Justices of the said County are hereby required and impowered
to levy upon the said County. And to prevent a double Allowance
for one Bear, the Justice before whom any such Bear's Head shall
be brought, is hereby required to cause the Ears thereof to be cut
off, and it's Tongue to be cut out; and to give a Certificate thereof
to the Party producing the said Head.
II. Provided always, That it shall not be lawful for any of the
Justices of the County aforesaid, to give any Certificate for any