282 Assembly Proceedings, October 3-November 2, 1728.
respective Schools shall order, or be immediately discharged and
removed from his Trust in the said School, and a new Master put in.
IV. And whereas some Doubts have arisen on the Explanation
and Construction of an Act, entitled, An Act for laying an addi-
tional Duty of Twenty Shillings Current Money per Poll, on all
Irish Servants, being Papists, to prevent the Growth of Popery, by
the Importation of too great a Number of them into this Province ;
And also the additional Duty of Twenty Shillings Current Money
per Poll on all Negroes, for raising a Fund for the Use of Public
Schools within the several Counties of this Province, whether the
Twenty Shillings Current Money thereby imposed on Irish Ser-
vants, being Papists, and Negroes imported into this Province, by
Land or Water, were intended by the said Act, or shall be construed
to be imposed on such Irish Servants, being Papists, and Negroes,
as have been, or shall be imported in any Ship or Vessel built in this
Province, whereof the Owners have been, or shall be actually Resi-
dents in this Province, or in any Ship or Vessel, English or Planta-
tion built, purchased, enjoyed or held, by Owners Residents within
this Province.
V. Be it therefore Declared, and it is hereby Enacted, by the Au-
thority aforesaid, by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That no Ship or Vessel, whereof all the Owners have been (or shall
be) actually Residents of this Province; or no Ship or Vessel, En-
glish or Plantation built, purchased, enjoyed, and held, by Owners
Residents within this Province, shall be construed to have been, or
shall hereafter be discharged, and not liable to the Payment of the
aforesaid Duty of Twenty Shillings Current Money per Poll on all
Irish Servants, being Papists, and all Negroes imported into this
Province, in such Ship or Vessel; any Law or Usage to the contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Chap. IX
p. 14
An Act to appropriate Part of the Land laid out, in the City of
Annapolis, for the Building a Custom-House on, to and for the
Building a Market-House.
Whereas by an Act, entituled, An Act for erecting Anne-Arundel
and Oxford Towns, into Ports and Towns, Commissioners were
appointed, and Powers to them given, to purchase, survey, and di-
vide, One Hundred Acres of Land, into convenient Streets, Lanes,
and Allies; with other spare Places to be left, on which might be a
Church, Chappel, Market-house, or other publick Building: Ac-
cording to which Powers, Land hath been left in the said City, not
only for a Market-place, but for a Custom-house.
And whereas the Land design'd for a Market-place, in the said
City, is not so convenient for the same, as Part of the Land design'd