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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7:1698
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               8 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7-98.


         Lib. H. D.     he Could trade up and Down without it. This Deponent

               being at a certain place at an Ordinary in the aforesd Province

               of Maryland about the 16th or 17th day of Decr 1696. Came

               into the sd Ordinary a young Mercht Named Thomas Beale

               and this Depont asked him what Countrey he was of the

               Answer he made was that he was Either of Exon or Topsham

               of which this Depont cannot well Remember, This Depont told

               him that he was at Cadix abt fourteen years since where he

               was at the Selling of a Ship to one Franckmore of Topsham

               WCh sd Ship did then belong to this Deponents Brother, the

               sd Tho Beale answered that the same Ship is now in the

               Countrey and had been here before; This Depont asked him

               how she could Trade not being a free bottom, the sd Beale

               say'd that she was not free This Depont Say'd how durst you

               then Trade to wch he Say'd wee have a permitt to Trade but

               not to Export out of England for they Export their Goods

               out in other Ships for the Loading of her, upon which this

               Depont by an informacon that she had brought goods into

               this Countrey seized the sd Ship and further this Deponent

              Sayth not.                       Tho: Collier



                       Annapolis ffebry the 2d 1696.

                Sworne then before me Thomas Laurence Secretary and

               Publick Notary of Maryland



                       By his Exncy the Governr &ca

                            ffebry the 3d 1696.

                                             Tho:     Laurence

              Ordr to the Sherriffs abt the Councills  Ordered that the Sherriffs of the Province doe

              upon Sight hereof give notice to all the masters

              Meetingmerchts and Traders in generall within their re

               spective Counties of the time appointed for the Councills

               meeting (vizt the 18th instant) so tht if they have any applica

               tion to make or Reasons to give, unto his Exncy & Councill

               why they cannot get their Ships ready to saile so soon as by

               the ffirst of March they may then have the opportunity of

               prsenting such their Reasons in writing or send them to the

               Sherriffs in Ordr to be dispatched hither for Answer &Ca

               whereof the Sherriffs are to take due Care.

                             Signed p Ordr Hen: Denton Cl Concil

              Mr Collyer

              sent by

              Express over

              the Bay

               to Require

                         Mr Thomas Collyer, the Bearer, being imployed

                       to Carry Severall Expresses over the Bay for his

                       mats and the Countreys service, this is therefore

                       the Master or Commandr of any Ship or Vessell


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7:1698
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