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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7:1698
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          Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7-98. 7


         One of the above being directed to each member of his Lib. H. D.

       Mats honrble Councill was sent to be Served by the respective

       Sherriffs accordingly




                 Port of Annapolis ffebry 2d 1696.

                 Mr Gouldesborough

       Lre to Mr Sr


       ough to Attend There is a Councill appointed to meet at this

       the Councill place the 18th Instant, at which you must Attend

       and be here, upon Accot of his Mats and the Countreys

       immediate Service whereof you are in no wise to faile, is what

       by Spll Command at pTsent Offers from Sr

                      Your humble Servant

                                      Hen:     Denton


       Maryland as. The Deposition of Thomas Collyer one of his

       Mats Riding Surveyors of the Province of Maryland Aged fforty

       six years or thereabts Deposeth.


       Mr Colliers That in the Month of June or July Anno 1682.

           Came into the Road of Tangere a Tunnis man of


               Warr from the Westward with a Dutch ffly boat

       Prize burth. two hundred Tons or thereabouts Loaden with

       Wheat and Barley and sold by inch of Candle in the s Port

       to one Mr James Warren Mercht in the sd Port for a

       Valluable Consideracon which this Deponent has totally

       fforgot. The Same day this Deponents Brother Capt Charles

       Collyer one of his Mats Capts did buy the sd Ship and Loading

       of the aforesd Warren and in some Short time after, the sd

       Collier did send the sd Ship and Cargoe to Cadix in Spain and

       Con sign'd to one Mr Wm Burditt Mercht in the sd Citty and p. 450

       after her Cargoe was sold the sd Deponents Brother Ordered

       the sd Burdett to dispose of the sd Vessell wch then went by

       the Name of the Charles and was so named by this Deponents

       Brother and still Continues by the same Name, The sd Vessell

       by the aforesd Ordr was disposed off to one Franckmore a

       Master of a Vessell of Topsham in the Kingdom of England

       for seaventeen hundred peices of Eight or thereabout who

       Loaded her home with Salt this Depont being at Cadix at the

       same time and wished the sd Franckmore good luck in the

       sd Ship and told him he had a Cheap Ship To which he

       Answered that he should Clear her by that Voyage, This

       Dept sayd that he did believe it would Cost him a great deal

       of money to make her a free Ship for Trade, to which he

       answer'd that he would not put himself to that Charge for


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7:1698
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