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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7:1698
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           Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7-98. 9


        Riding in Herring Creek for to Assist the sd Collyer with Boat Lib. H. D.

        and hands forthwith in Ordr to the setting him over to the

        Port and Town of Williamstadt, whereof let be noe failure

        Given under my hand and seal this 2d day of ffebry in the

        Eigth year of his Mats Reign &ca Annoq Domini 1696.

                                        ffr: Nicholson


          To all the masters or Comandts

          of Ships and Vessells riding in Herring




                 Maryland ss.

        Mr Perry sent by Express to   Mr. John Perry the Bearer, being imployed by

        the Comodore me (upon accot of his mats and the Countreys

        in Virga imediate Service) for to goe Down to the ConIo

        dore with an Express, is hereby directed to call upon all the

        Mastrs merchts & Comandrs of Ships in his way to Potomock

        and to Shew them the Copy of the Comodores Letter & Ordr

        thereon herewith. Sent to the End if they have any Letters or

        other matter to send to him, they may doe it by the Bearer;

        and this likewise comes in his mats Name generally to Require

        the mastr or Comandr of any ship or Vessll Riding at wicco

        comco in Potomock River for to aid and Assist the Bearer

        with Boat and hands forthwith in Ordr to the giving him a

        speedy passage over the sd River into Virginia whereof they p. 454

        are in no wise to ifaile; Given under my hand and seal this

        3d day of ffebry in the Eigth year of his Mats Reign &ca Annoq

        Domini 1696.

          To all Masters and Comandrs &ca


           Capt Wager.

        Capt Daniells Sr


        Comodore abt I Received yor Letter and the inclosed Order of

        the weathr the 27th instant, by Lieutent Oakman who left my

           whilst his being here. boat at Herring Creek not being able to proceed

                 further by Reason of the Ice, I will make it my

        business to follow yor Orders Exactly if wind and Weather per-

        mitt, We have had extraordinary ifridgid weather ever since I

        sent Lt Ockman to you which was the 18th of December last

        much Snow almost Continually on the Ground and the Rivers

        & Creeks frozen up the Ice Cast up so confusedly thick in one

        place and thin in another that there was no Venturing on it that

        we have not been able to get on Shore in Ten days following p. 38

        and abundance of Ice in the Bay that Severall Sloopes and

        boates was Ketcht in it and drove about, for severall days,


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1696/7:1698
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