p. 22
Retorned to him the said Brookes by William Hemsley
Deputy Surveyor of Talbot County in the said Province, and
also a Duplicate thereof wch his Lopp sends herewith, and hath
signed the same, It is his Lopps pleasure, and he doth hereby
authorize his said sonne to sell in the first place so much of
the said Escheated Lands to such pson or psons as he shall
thinke fit, and that shalbe willing to buy the same as may
Raise Cleare of all Charges & Deductions Two hundred
pounds Sterling for his Lopps Deare sister Mrs Ann Peasely
wch his Lopp is willing to bestow upon her, and to Cause the ,
same to be Retorned unto her as soone as may be by good
bills of Exchange first second & third with Letters of Advice
thereupon and not in any other Comodity wch may miscarry
in its Conveyance from thence to England in ordr whereunto
his Lopps pleasure is that in case so much of the said Land be
sould for Tobacco it must be for so much of that vallue to be
sould there, And that his sonne doe accordingly sell the same
there for so much money to be payd to her heere by good bills
of Exchange for the due paymt whereof he is to take good
Security there. Provided that their be Reserved the yearly
Rent of Two shillings sterling for Every fifty acres of the
said Land to be payd to his Lopp & his heires forever, and
that all Royal Mines be Excepted in the graunt of the said
3. That after the said Two hundred pounds sterl be
Raysed as aforesayd out of the said Escheated Lands for his
Lopps said Sister his Lopps said sonne dispose of the Residue
of the said Escheated Lands for his Lopps best advantage
Either by lease for 21 yeares or for one or Two or three lives,
or for any number of yeares Determinable upon one Two or
three lives or by sale of the Inheritance thereof to such as
shalbe willing to buy the same, Provided that all Royall
Mines be Excepted in all such leases or sales, and that theire
be a yearly Rent of 2s sterl at least for Every fifty acres of the
said Land Reserved to be payd to his Lopp & his heires