of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 509
[Wood to Council.]
Frederick County Maryland
Gentlemen: Whereas Mr Joshua Diloplane an Ensign of
Captain John Cormacks Company of Militia is not able to
serve, and having resigned, the Company made choice of
Mr George Brown for ensign in his stead, and as Mr John
Cock 1st Lieutenant and Peter Snider Ensign both of Captain
Jacob Snodenberrys Company have moved out of the parts,
the Company have made a new choice, and have chosen Mr
Frederick Sours 1st Lieutenant Mr Adam Morningstar 2d Lieu-
tenant and Mr Michael Unger Ensign. I hereby Certify that
the abovesaid Choice is made and that the Companys are
satisfyed, it being done at our Battalion Meeting the 19th this
Instant June, and myself present. You'l please to grant Com-
missions to the above named, Mr George Brown as Ensign of
Captain John Corrnacks Company, and likewise to Mr Fred-
erick Sour 1st Lieutenant Mr Adam Morningstar 2d Lieutenant
and Mr Michael Unger Ensign all of Captain Jacob Snoden-
berrys company and part of the 37th Battalion, and youl
oblige Gentlemen your most obedient Hble Servt
June 22d 1776. Joseph Wood.
[Dugan to Council.]
Gentln Inclosed you have, Captn Joseph Handys receipt
for the Cargo shipped by me in the Schooner Three Sisters pr
your orders the flour in my store, belonging to you we have
again examined with Mr Laypole which we seem to find much
better than I expected, as the hundred barrels we have baked
has taken nearly all of that which was damaged, as while the
92 was discharging I kept constantly on the wharf & tryed all
that I coud get the plugs out of the heads, and what I found
any way much damaged put into the Bakehouse, I have like-
wise examined every Barrel of this 140, on board the Three
Sisters, and am sure its all good, that vessel should been all
filled with flour but the Captn begd I woud spare him the 40 Bls
Bread in order to put in his fore hould, for he said if he was
to fill all up with flour his vcsscll would have been too much
by the head & considerably out of trim for sailing, I believe
Mr Luxs 100 Bbs is very good & yet fresh, as to the bakeing
am going on and picking out all the flour I find any way
going, suppose I have now abot twenty thousand wl already
baked, but shall be with you next Monday & advise you any
other perticulars you may want to know, mean while I advise
you to Mr Laypole who has taken all possible care in exam-
ining the flour bread bake house warehouse &c for your
further information, and am in great haste as the bearer waits,
Your most obedt Huml Servt
Cumberland Dugan
Baltimore 22d June 1776.