510 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Sunday 23rd June 1776.
Met according to Adjournment.
Present the same members, as on yesterday
Copy of Letter No 35 was sent to Joseph Middleton of the
city of Annapolis.
Permit was granted to Mattw Brown of Dorchester County
Attorney at Law, to pass from any Sea-Port Town in this
Province, to Europe with his Baggage.
Commission was made out to Thomas Russell, Commander
of the armed Boat, Rebecca & Sally, of Balt" County, and
Bond taken according to Resolve of Congress of 3rd April last.
Ordered That Captain Joseph Speake deliver to Captn
Thomas Russell 1 Quarter Cask of Gun powder, to be
returned in kind at Balto Town by Rob' Purviance
Adjourned 'till next Day 10 o'Clock.
C. S. C.
No. 35.
[Council to J. Middleton.]
To Mr. Joseph Middleton
Sir, You are desired to proceed up the bay and give intelli-
gence to any outward bound vessels you may meet with that
are coming down, that the man of war is at her station at the
mouth of the river to receive the Governor and that we think
it prudent that they delay coming down 'till the man of war
23rd June 1776
[William Lux to Council.]
Snow Hill 23d June 1776.
Gentlemen. On my arrival here I made enquiry after Mr
Brown & found him an Inhabitant of the Town. He is a
young man under 30, but very hearty and was brought up in
the Train, came to America in that service with a certificate
of his qualifications from Genl Conway, and was promised
preferment but another being put over his head he resigned.
He is by birth an Hibernian, & related to Capt Thos Ewing.
If therefore you could place him there it woud I presume be
most agreeable, But as he must understand the profession
superior to any of that corp, I should think him the fittest for
Capt Fulfords 1st Lieut. The people here speak well of him
as a sober modest man, and being on all occasions ready to
give them information: I am with due deference Gentlemen
Your most obedt Servt Willm Lux.