508 Journal and Correspondence
This author in a note says that in the village of Wilizca 5
leagues from Cracow there is a Salt Mine whose Inhabitants
are so numerous as to found a kind of subterraneous Republic
which has its polity laws Families Highway & common
carriers Horses & other Cattle to draw the salt to the mouth
of the quarry where' it is taken up by Engines, & when a
traveller arrives he is surprized wh a long series of lofty vaults
sustained by hugh Pillars cut with a chissel which being Rock
salt appear by the incessant light of Flambeaux as so many
Chrystals or Gems of various colours casting a lustre which
the Eye can scarce bear & that those were first discovered in
1251. Boerh. Chemis. Vol 1 Article Com. Salt. The extent
of our Clift is a full half mile & very rich in many places some
more so then that first discovered. I have got leave of one of
the owners to dig & search as I may think proper & the suc-
cess you may be assured of having in a clear & true Narrative
as soon as possible. The expence I shall take out of the
Money in my hands as Supervisor of which I shall just mention
& inform you that we have this last week made 8 pounds
good large crude nitre.
I am Gentn with all due respect
Yr Hble Servt E. Johnson.
Calvert County June 22d 1776.
[Garrett to Rumsey.]
Swann Creek 22d June 1776.
Sir. Meeting an opportunity directly to Annapolis by Mr
Paca's vessel I recd a small box Conta. Forty five Bayonets
two has been heretofore [received] in the whole 47 hope they
will all appear good, two [or three of] them were made before
I got the pattern and something dif] ferent. I shall continue
to make but my hand [is very s]low at doing them, and could
do much more worth [at o]ther Business. I am in hopes
youl allow all you can for them, I am sure I shall loose at any
price as could be given me, but am content to do them as
others doe, have been told 8/ was that price be kind enough
to fill up the acct to what you allow others and if you would
oblidge me so far as to receive the sum and send it up by
some of our County Genl it would oblidge as Money is allways
Necessary & the having it small bills will best suit for Harvest
Money as that times approaching it must be prepared for :
I am Sir your very Hble Servt
Amos Garrett
To Colo Benjamin Rumsey.