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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 80   View pdf image
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80 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678.

Liber W. H.
& L.

henceforth by the same Authority be Enabled and adjudged to
all intents and Purposes able to demand Challenge have hold
and Enjoy any Lands Tenements Rents or Hereditaments
within this Province as heyre or heyres to any of their An-
cestors by reason of any descent fee simple fee tayle Generall
or Speciall or Remainder vpon any fee tayle Generall or
Speciall or Remainder vpon any Estate Tayle as aforesaid or
by any other Lawfull Conveyance or Conveyances or meanes
whatsoever as if they and each of them had been borne within
this Province or were of Brittish or Irish descent as aforesaid
and alsoe that they and each of them from henceforth may and
shall be enabled to prosecute maintaine and avow Justifie and
defend all manner of accons Suites plaintes or other demands
whatsoever as Liberally franckly and freely fully Lawfully and
securely as if they & each of them had been natureally borne
within this Province of Maryland or were of Brittish or Irish
descent may any wayes Lawfully doe any Law Provisoe Act
or Custome of this Province or other thing whatsoever had
made ordained or done within this Province to the Contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding

p. 159

To the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary in the Upper &
lower house of Assembly—

The humble Petition of Mary Ward Executrix of the Last will
and Testament of Mathew Ward deceased—
That George Beckwith and Frances his wife being Seized in
Right of the said Frances in their Demesne as of fee of a Cer-
tain Plantacon lyeing on the south side of Petuxent River
Called the further Neck late in the tenure or occupacon of
Henry Keene deceased Containing by Estimacon one hundred
Acres Did about Eleven yeares since for a valuable Consid-
eracon to them paid by Christopher Rousby William Traverse
& Francis Swanston by Deed duely Executed vnder their hands
and Seales Grant & Convey the said plantacon with the
appurtenances to them the said Christopher William & Francis
and their heires forever by vertue whereof they became
Joyntly seized thereof & being soe seized the said William
Traverse and Francis Swanston did by their Deed vnder
their hands and Seales Release all their Right Title and
Interest in and to the Said Plantacon to the said Christopher
Rousby by vertue whereof the said Christopher became solely
seized thereof And being soe seized did in the yeare of our
Lord 1670 for and in Consideracon of the sume of twelve
thousand pounds of Tobacco secured to be paid to the said

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 80   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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