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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 79   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678. 79

defend all manner of accons Suites plaints or other demands
whatsoever as Liberrally franckly and freely fully Lawfully and
securely as if he had been Natureally borne within this Prov-
ince of Maryland or were of Brittish or Irish descent may any
wayes Lawfully doe any Law provisoe Act or Custome of
this Province or other thing whatsoever had made ordeined
or done within this Province to the Contrary thereof in any
wayes Notwithstanding—

To the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca

The humble Peticon of James Peane Magdelen his wife Anne
Peane his daughter and Jacob Lookerman
humbly Sheweth

Liber W. H.
& L.

That your Petitioners James & Magdelen were borne in
france and your Peticoner Jacob Lookerman was born in new
Yorke vnder the Iurisdiccon of the States of Holland and being
now Removed into this Province have for divers yeares therein
Inhabited being invited to Come and dwell within this Prov-
ince by and vppon Confidence of your Lordshipps fathers
Declaracon of the second of July 1649 whereby your Lord-
ships said father did impower his Governour from time to time
to grant lands vnto any person French Dutch Spanish or any
other forreigne descent in the same & in as ample Manner and
vppon the same Tearmes and Provisoes as he was thereby
Impowered to grant land to any person or persons of Brittish
or Irish discent And dureing their said abode they have been
alwayes faithfull and obedient to your Lordships Lawes, Yett
for that your Peticrs are not of Brittish or Irish discent they
Cannott take the benefitt of the Customes & Lawes of this
Province as other the people of this Province of Brittish & Irish
discent may to their great losse prejudice and hinderance as
alsoe of the Deterring of divers others of the same forreigne
Nations aforesaid from Comeing into this Province and by
Consequence foreslowing the Peopling of this Province with
vsefull handycraftsmen & Artificers May itt therefore please
Your Lordship of your abundant goodness & wonted Care of
and over this Province that itt may be Enacted and ordeined
by your Lordship And bee itt Enacted and Ordeined by the
Lord Propry of this Province by and with the advice and Con-
sent of the upper and lower house of this present Generall
Assembly That your Lordships humble Peticoners James
Peane and Magdelen his wife Anne Peane his daughter and
Jacob Lookerman they and each of them shall from henceforth
be adjudged reputed and taken as naturall borne people of this
Province of Maryland and that they and each of them shall from

p. 158

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 79   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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