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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 81   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678. 81

Christopher by the said Thomas Carleton Contract bargain
and agree with the said Thomas Carleton to make seale and
deliver vnto him the said Thomas a good and Sufficient Deed
or Conveyance of the said plantacon or parcell of Land
and premisses To have and to hold to him the said Thomas
Carleton and his heires for ever And the said Christopher
Rousby did att the same time deliver vnto the said Thomas
Carleton the said Originall Deed from Beckwith and his wife
to him the said Christopher Rousby William Traverse and
Francis Swanston and the said Release from the said Traverse
& Swanston to the said Rousby And the said Thomas Carle-
ton had possession of the said Plantacon and premisses there-
vppon delivered by him the said Christopher to him the
said Thomas Carleton, And the said Thomas Carleton did
afterwards in the yeare 1671 in Consideracon of the sume of
tenn thousand pounds of Tobacco to him paid in hand by
Mathew Ward Gentleman Covenant grant and agree to and
with the said Mathew Ward then after to sell assigne and sett
over vnto the said Mathew Ward his heires and assignes for
ever the said Plantacon & premisses aforesaid free from all
Incumbrances and putt the said Mathew in the full & peace-
able possession thereof. By vertue whereof the said Mathew
Ward became possessed thereof and to the Equitable Right in
and to the same in fee Simple Butt before such Deeds and
assureances thereof as aforesaid were made he the said

Liber W. H.
& L.

Thomas Carleton dyed leaveing an Infant heire And the said
Originall Deed from Beckwith & the said Release from the
said Traverse & Swanston to the said Rousby And the Deed
from the said Rousby to the said Carleton Are all lost soe that
there is noe possibility to make your Peticoner any Estate of
the premises which are by the said Mathew Ward by his last
will and Testament Devised to your Petitioner and her heires
without the Assistance of your Honors by an Act of Assembly
thereby to Enable her to dispose of the same for payment of
her husbands debts and perticularly of the sume of three
thousand pounds of Tobacco which is still Remaining behind
and vnpaid of the Purchase money from the said Carleton to
him the said Rousby which she is Content to pay That the
wittnesses to proue the premisses are the said Christopher
Rousby and Robert Carvile two of the members of the Lower
house of Assembly—
Your Peticoner therefore humbly prayes that itt may be
Enacted And Bee itt Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord
Proprietary by and with the aduice and Consent of the upper
and lower houses of this present Generall Assembly & the
Authority of the same That the said Mary Ward paying vnto
the said Christopher Rousby the said sume of three thousand

p. 160

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 81   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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