Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1 647. 147
ever vnto them in the woods their plantaons or houses they
may (after having bide the said Indians depart & declared that
if they doe not depart they will shoot them, (in case the said
Indians depart not instantly) shoot them whatsoever Indians
they are, wch bidding them depart I doe enioine the said inhabi-
tants vnto in case the Indians shalbe of or frends vntill the
25th of May next; In wch time all the said Indian frends
shall have notice not to approach the said plantaons. And
after the said 25th of may I doc licence the said inhabitants to
shoot & kill any Indians coming about their woods plantaons
or dwelings without the foresaid warning given them, witnes
my hand.
Giles Brent
The same authority I doe give them against
any Indians vpon the water betweene the
back river of Patuxent & the mouth of
Patuxent river.
Liber P. R.
10 By vertue of the Commission to vs directed in that behalfe
from his Lop we doe hereby appoint Capt. will, brainthwt &c.
to be Collector & Receivor of all his Lops rent Corne within
the County of St Maries, & vpon Receipt therof to give acquit-
tance in his Lops name
Giles Brent
John Lewger
p. 157
By vertue of his Lops Commission &c. we doe hereby appoint
Edward Parker sheriff to be Collector & Receivor of all his
Lops Rents (Rent-Come excepted) revenues, ffines, {forfeitures,
& all other profitt, & pquisits whatsoever; & vpon receipt to
give acquittance & discharge in his Lops name & to have &
receive for his paines the tenth part in kind or value of all such
Receipts, for his paines and salary.
Giles Brent
John Lewger
Will. Brainthwait
[Letter of Protection to Indians.]
p. '57
June 8. Cecilius &c. to all or Counsell's Justices, Comders &
officers, & to all inhabitants County S. Maries &c. we doe
hereby notifie, publish & declare vnto you that the bearer
hereof Peter mimascave, alias Nicoatucen, an Indian of
Patuxen & all other Indians of that towne & nation are within
or ptection peace & amity, & to be treated & vsed wth all
humanity as or frends & confederates vntill they shall give
p. 167