146 Proceedings of ike Council of Maryland, 1636—1647.
Liber P. K.
the peace & welfare of the people I will ever procure as far as
I may, I will aid & assist the administring & exequution of
iustice in all things to my power I will to my best skill give
good & faithfull Counsell to the Lord Proprietary of this Pro-
vince & to his Leiutent Grall for the time being when thervnto
I shalbe called, & I will keepe secrett all such matters as are
delivered me as secretts, as becomes a Counsellor to doe; I will
administer equall iustice to all psons according to the Lawes
of the Province to the best of my skill & power, when I shall
exercise any act of Judicature, & I will delay nor deny to no
man right or iustice, when it shall belong to me to doe it. So
helpe me God.
p. 107
7. febr: 1643
Levie the sommes assessed supra, vpon any the lands goods
& chattells of the persons assessed, & deliver the same vnto
the Lieut Gener: & levie the fees of exequutin vpon all such as
shall refuse or delay after demand to pay the said assessmt
And this shalbe yor warrant.
To E. P. sheriff.
p. 151
tvid. file Vpon the petition of divers inhabitants in behalfe of
John dandy & delivered by him, the Leiut Gener exchanged
his sentence of death into service for 7. yeares to his Lop & to
remaine exequutioner of all corporall corrections according to
the writts lawfully directed to him;
Commission of Capt of St Maries County
Cecilius &c. To william Brainthwait gent, committ vnto you
the Captainship & comand of St maries County in all military
matters, to have vse & exercise the same by land or water to
the levying & training of souldiers, suppressing & punishing
of insolencies & mutinies agst martiall discipline, the resistance
& vanquishing of enemies & in all other occasions of war in
as ample maner as a Captaine may & ought to doe by the
Law of warre. And we doe require all inhabitants to obey &
respect &c. Given 19th march 1643.
p. 157
I doe hereby authorise the inhabitants vpon Pautuxent river
(being they are so far from other plantaons & so weakly
peopled & continually exposed thereby to danger & outrage
from the Indian aswell frend, as enemies by whom they
received an assault to their very neare cutting off one of their
plantaons the last yeare, besides the eminent losses they have
otherwise received) that vpon approach of any Indian whatso-